Sunday, September 30, 2012
Whattyamean Goblins can fly...
Adorkette had her first school dance, and I was...fortunate...enough to act as chauffeur for both her and her friend to the dance and back.
Looking at an hour and a half to kill while the dance went on, I got myself a coffee and went to the local Magic shop (which reminded me that I completely forgot about the new Return to Ravnica set being released...need to save up for it, but The Avengers comes first).
$1.40 later, I came away with some Werewolf and Zombie cards for future multicolored decks, some more Merfolk and Pirates for my soon-to-be-completed Blue Deck, foreign Land cards (by which I mean Land cards written in foreign languages. I'm a sucker for those, and will always buy them when I can), and this little beauty -
Goblin Sky Raider...This, friends, is beauty personified.
A Goblin, that flies! No mana required to activate the ability. No enchantments necessary. No sacrificing, flinging, or handing over to flying creatures to be dropped on targets.
My Goblin horde was sorely lacking in air support, and a few more of these would really come in handy. So I guess I'll keep my eyes out for more of these, and any other Goblin gems that come my way, because...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Being sick sucks...
People say this is the time of year for colds because it's getting colder out, but I say that's bulls#!t.
Germs thrive in heat and humidity - with all that pollen and bugs and stuff. It isn't until the temperature drops that their survival instincts kick in, and they try like hell to infecting everything.
My point is: it isn't the cold that makes one sick, it's the germs reacting to the cold that does it.
So anyway, I'm sick.
Plus, I have seasonal allergies. So it's hard for me to tell which drugs to take until it's too late.
I'll head out soon and stock up on Airborne, OJ, Day/Ny quil and all, and spend the rest of the day in bed.
Germs thrive in heat and humidity - with all that pollen and bugs and stuff. It isn't until the temperature drops that their survival instincts kick in, and they try like hell to infecting everything.
My point is: it isn't the cold that makes one sick, it's the germs reacting to the cold that does it.
So anyway, I'm sick.
Plus, I have seasonal allergies. So it's hard for me to tell which drugs to take until it's too late.
I'll head out soon and stock up on Airborne, OJ, Day/Ny quil and all, and spend the rest of the day in bed.
Friday, September 28, 2012
WTF? Fridays...9/28/2012
Okay - I've stated often that Tim Drake is one of my favorite characters in the DC Universe, and one of the best conceived, executed and written characters ever!
So WTF? DCnU...
A) Tim's parents are alive?
B) He was never Robin at all?
C) Tim's parents are personal friends of Batman?
Like I needed proof that the DCnU was crap...
Deviantartist Samurai Jack - who put on storyboard what he could remember from seeing the Ant-Man test footage back at this year's SDCC:
I know Marvel Studios wanted one of their "Phase 2" films to be outside the box, and I support that thought, but why oh why couldn't they have gone with this and saved GotG for "Phase 3"?
A man with the ability to shrink down to the size of an ant versus a group of unknown ('till now) alien races banding together on the other side of the galaxy to fight another unknown ('till now) alien race...after making a killing with a movie about an unknown ('till now) alien race invading Earth led behind the scenes by (wait for it...) an unknown alien!!!
In Marvel Studios I Trust...
Okay - I've stated often that Tim Drake is one of my favorite characters in the DC Universe, and one of the best conceived, executed and written characters ever!
So WTF? DCnU...
B) He was never Robin at all?
C) Tim's parents are personal friends of Batman?
Like I needed proof that the DCnU was crap...
Deviantartist Samurai Jack - who put on storyboard what he could remember from seeing the Ant-Man test footage back at this year's SDCC:
A man with the ability to shrink down to the size of an ant versus a group of unknown ('till now) alien races banding together on the other side of the galaxy to fight another unknown ('till now) alien race...after making a killing with a movie about an unknown ('till now) alien race invading Earth led behind the scenes by (wait for it...) an unknown alien!!!
In Marvel Studios I Trust...
Marvel Studios,
Tim Drake,
WTF? Fridays
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Now, about this Wolverine pic...
Hugh Jackman knows this role.
One of Jackman's defining moments was when he stated in an interview years ago how grateful he was to this character, and that he would continue to play this character throughout his career until someone somewhere "smacked [him] around".
Looking at this pic, that smack-down isn't happening anytime soon.
As far as I'm concerned, Jackman can play Logan well into his eighties, when Fox smartens up and gives the rights back to Marvel/Disney and they give us Wolverine: The End. I just wish Marvel/Disney had the rights now!
I'll be keeping an eye on this production, as well as the others, and hope to hell they get back on track.
And you can't tell me Fox is going to do Days of Future Past without Logan.
No way.
For all we know, this film could lead directly to X-Men:DoFP.
Of course, that would mean Fox would be copying Marvel/Disney's successful "post-credit connection" idea...
One of Jackman's defining moments was when he stated in an interview years ago how grateful he was to this character, and that he would continue to play this character throughout his career until someone somewhere "smacked [him] around".
Looking at this pic, that smack-down isn't happening anytime soon.
As far as I'm concerned, Jackman can play Logan well into his eighties, when Fox smartens up and gives the rights back to Marvel/
I'll be keeping an eye on this production, as well as the others, and hope to hell they get back on track.
And you can't tell me Fox is going to do Days of Future Past without Logan.
No way.
For all we know, this film could lead directly to X-Men:DoFP.
Of course, that would mean Fox would be copying Marvel/
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
So Adorkette wants to be Joker for Halloween...
I was taking my daughter to the dentist recently and we talked a bit about Halloween, and she said she wanted to be Joker for Halloween.
"Great." I said, "Heath Ledger Joker?"
"What do you mean?"
So I had to explain to her that Heath Ledger Joker wasn't the only Joker to choose from...
There's Jack Nicholson Joker...
Cesar Romero Joker...
then in the comics there's the classic Neal Adams Joker...
the Brian Bolland Joker (my personal favorite)...
And, of course, the original Bob Kane Joker...
Now - she may decide to go a different route for her school dance, being a girl and all...
But I'm not sure I'm ready for that...
"Great." I said, "Heath Ledger Joker?"
"What do you mean?"
So I had to explain to her that Heath Ledger Joker wasn't the only Joker to choose from...
There's Jack Nicholson Joker...
Cesar Romero Joker...
The B:TAS Joker...
the Brian Bolland Joker (my personal favorite)...
And, of course, the original Bob Kane Joker...
Now - she may decide to go a different route for her school dance, being a girl and all...
But I'm not sure I'm ready for that...
Monday, September 24, 2012
This must be what a Zombie feels like...
Had a hard day yesterday, worked my tail off but it felt like I had nothing to show for it.
Kind of like the Pats last night...
Anyway, Mrs. Adorkification's gone and built herself a Red deck "just to see how it plays", and I can't wait to have a game.
But it'll be a while because of our work schedules for the next few days at least.
Cruel...Cruel Monday.
Kind of like the Pats last night...
Anyway, Mrs. Adorkification's gone and built herself a Red deck "just to see how it plays", and I can't wait to have a game.
But it'll be a while because of our work schedules for the next few days at least.
Cruel...Cruel Monday.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I have to work today...10 AM till 8:30 PM...
The Good - I only have to work this shift once every three weeks or so.
The Bad - My entire Sunday is gone.
So here's some random thoughts that will carry me through the day I feel like sharing...
The Good - I only have to work this shift once every three weeks or so.
The Bad - My entire Sunday is gone.
So here's some random thoughts that will carry me through the day I feel like sharing...
The Pats face the Ravens in Baltimore for Week #3.
It's a night game (8 PM start time) so I'll catch most of it.
We have a mouse in our house.
We also have a cat in our house, which - unlike the mouse - is here intentionally.
You'd think the one would be killed by the other, but in reality not so much.
The cat treats it like a toy.
Tuesday will be a big day...
Mrs. Adorkification and I will be celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Since there is no "official" gift theme for that, we've decided to make it our Dance Anniversary.
As such, we've started taking lessons. Week 1: Fix Trot. The image above shows footing for the turn from the man's perspective...which is my biggest problem. We're practicing, and are having a lot of fun with it.
Have a good day...I know I won't.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Robin III Part 30: Detective Comics #635 (Early September, 1991)
Tim makes a brief appearance but plays a big part in saving
Bruce’s life.
I have this issue.
Tim is in the Batcave playing a videogame when Batman
returns…wounded…and recognizes a creature on the screen as the beast that hurt
Notes of Interest:
1) To my knowledge, this is Tim’s first appearance in Detective Comics following the Robin mini-series.
WTF? Moment: Let
me see if I got this – Tim’s returned from Paris
and Hong Kong after stopping a major plague from being
released and preventing a powerful drug lord from moving to Gotham ,
and has already made his first public appearance as Robin – only to be playing
a videogame…in the Batcave…ON THE BAT-COMPUTER…instead of out on
There is absolutely no way Tim would waste time in the Cave
like that. If he was there using the
Computer, it’d be work-related.
I understand that the game is a major plot point, but here’s
how the story should have gone:
Bruce gives Tim the night off, and he’s playing the game in
his room. Alfred brings the boy his dinner and watches him play for a bit until
Bruce returns. Alfred tends to the wound while Bruce describes what happened.
Alfred recognizes the creature as one from Tim’s videogame…and the story
This just tells me that writer Louise Simonson had no idea
what to do with him.
WTF? Moment #2: I
will say that I like how Bruce refers to Tim as Robin during the fight with the bug-robot.
Friday, September 21, 2012
One other thing I forgot to mention...
It seems that Cap is now President of the Ultimate United States.
While I'm not against the idea, it sounds...vaguely familiar...
This is the cover of Captain America #250...dated October, 1980.
WTF? Marvel...
While I'm not against the idea, it sounds...vaguely familiar...
This is the cover of Captain America #250...dated October, 1980.
WTF? Marvel...
Apparently Thanos has been confirmed as not only the villain of Guardians of the Galaxy, but also Avengers 2.
I can understand his being in GotG, but it's too soon for him to be in A2.
My thought was that he'd learn about Odin's Infinity Gauntlet...which is in Thor by the way...and he'd take his time getting it until A3...and we'd have the Infinity Gauntlet story.
I guess this could still work, only the time between now and A2 would lead to the Jim Starlin story from the seventies that gave us the Eternals, Captain Marvel, and Adam Warlock.
And then he'd learn about the Gauntlet for A3.
Speaking of GotG...
James Gunn is the director of this film...
He's also going to rewrite it...
I don't know this guy at all, and I believe Joss when he said he'd try to keep his hands out of other people's Marvel projects, but isn't this one of those times when he should?
Speaking of Joss Whedon...
WTF Brits?
You'll give your kids hellish nightmares about Angels that move when you blink...
and can't turn your back on without forgetting they're there...
but they can't see a pointy piece of metal sticking out of a man you know is dying...from a stab wound...through the back?
So S.H.I.E.L.D. is gonna feature new characters. Hopefully they'd be pre-existing Marvel characters that are new to viewers.
If so, I'd like to make a suggestion...
and of course...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The New 52...52 weeks later
It's been a year since DC chucked their universe and started over from scratch for (at the very least) a second time.
I haven't read a single issue...
...or a single page for that matter.
I admit - comics sales as a whole were slumping on some level and DC's numbers were continuously behind Marvel's, so something had to be done.
But did they really have to reinvent the wheel...again?
There's been negative comments about it by creators...including George Perez...about how DC didn't know what they were doing with this concept while it was happening.
And this isn't even the first time DC had problems with their game plan. If you've got Batman Begins on DVD like I do, and like watching all the extra goodies included on DVD' I do...then you've seen Dan DiDio talk up DC's "brand new Batman series" written by Frank Miller and drawn by Jim Lee called All Star Batman and Robin.
A series that started in 2005...but saw only one issue published in all of 2006!
By the time the New 52 got started, I all but gave up on DC entirely. Don't get me wrong - DC has a tremendous amount of cool characters that I grew up with and love to this day...
...but these ain't the characters I grew up with, or read somewhat religiously post-Crisis.
So is the New 52/DCnU a success?
Yes it is. Absolutely. It brought new life to the medium and new readers to the counter.
It's just not for me.
The DC Universe(s) that I plan on spending my hard earnedallowance money on ended somewhere around when Superman returned from the dead...with the possible exception of 52, because that was a damn good series.
I haven't read a single issue...
...or a single page for that matter.
I admit - comics sales as a whole were slumping on some level and DC's numbers were continuously behind Marvel's, so something had to be done.
But did they really have to reinvent the wheel...again?
There's been negative comments about it by creators...including George Perez...about how DC didn't know what they were doing with this concept while it was happening.
And this isn't even the first time DC had problems with their game plan. If you've got Batman Begins on DVD like I do, and like watching all the extra goodies included on DVD' I do...then you've seen Dan DiDio talk up DC's "brand new Batman series" written by Frank Miller and drawn by Jim Lee called All Star Batman and Robin.
A series that started in 2005...but saw only one issue published in all of 2006!
By the time the New 52 got started, I all but gave up on DC entirely. Don't get me wrong - DC has a tremendous amount of cool characters that I grew up with and love to this day...
...but these ain't the characters I grew up with, or read somewhat religiously post-Crisis.
So is the New 52/DCnU a success?
Yes it is. Absolutely. It brought new life to the medium and new readers to the counter.
It's just not for me.
The DC Universe(s) that I plan on spending my hard earned
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Insert Def Leppard song here...
When I was a kid back in the eighties, I loved dorky television. I tuned in every week for long-running shows like MacGyver and Quantum Leap, and even the "not so long running shows" like Automan and Misfits of Science.
Then I caught this show...
Watching the trailer now, I hang my head in shame...but back then I thought this show would last eight seasons, not eight episodes.
So why am I mentioning this now?
Because there's talk of this show becoming a movie.
Let me just say two things:
1) Hollywood is really reaching for ideas. Don't tell me we won't be seeing Knight Rider and Street Hawk team up with the guys from M.A.S.K. by Christmas 2020.
2) If they cast anyone other than Aaron Eckhart for this role they're out of their minds.
Then I caught this show...
Watching the trailer now, I hang my head in shame...but back then I thought this show would last eight seasons, not eight episodes.
So why am I mentioning this now?
Because there's talk of this show becoming a movie.
Let me just say two things:
1) Hollywood is really reaching for ideas. Don't tell me we won't be seeing Knight Rider and Street Hawk team up with the guys from M.A.S.K. by Christmas 2020.
2) If they cast anyone other than Aaron Eckhart for this role they're out of their minds.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Post-poned due to lack of sleep...
I closed last night and am opening this morning.
I'm tired.
I plan on sleep, so I can be back to dorkish form tomorrow...
I'm tired.
I plan on sleep, so I can be back to dorkish form tomorrow...
Monday, September 17, 2012
New England 18, Arizona 20
I'm not sure how I feel right now.
I'm upset that they lost, but in truth they deserved to lose.
The defense stepped up. And I've been a fan of the defense ever since I heard of a guy named Tedy Bruschi.
"But Arizona put up 20 points."
Yeah they did, but they could have put up much, much more.
It'd be easy to point fingers at Tom Brady...who didn't throw the ball well...and Wes Welker and Rob Gronkowski...who dropped the ball very well...but the offence as a whole dropped the ball.
There was less pass protection and not enough receivers getting open.
"But the Pats put 18 points on the board."
Yeah they did, and 12 of them came from kicker Steve Gostowski. And before we call him out for missing the game-winning kick let's remember...the offense needed a field goal to win.
Super Bowls have been won and lost to field goals...but that's the Super Bowl.
This is game two of the season, game one at home.
Troy Brown was inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame...during Halftime...of this game.
If I didn't know better, this was the exact same roster that lost both of their last two Super Bowl appearances.
All in all, a bad performance.
But I will say that once the offense plays half as good as the defense did...or once the defense gets enough experience under their belts to turn opportunities into points...the Pats will be back to form.
Game 3 is in Baltimore, and of course I have to work, but I'll be listening as they gain momentum and (hopefully) get all their bugs out in time to make the playoffs.
I'm upset that they lost, but in truth they deserved to lose.
The defense stepped up. And I've been a fan of the defense ever since I heard of a guy named Tedy Bruschi.
"But Arizona put up 20 points."
Yeah they did, but they could have put up much, much more.
It'd be easy to point fingers at Tom Brady...who didn't throw the ball well...and Wes Welker and Rob Gronkowski...who dropped the ball very well...but the offence as a whole dropped the ball.
There was less pass protection and not enough receivers getting open.
"But the Pats put 18 points on the board."
Yeah they did, and 12 of them came from kicker Steve Gostowski. And before we call him out for missing the game-winning kick let's remember...the offense needed a field goal to win.
Super Bowls have been won and lost to field goals...but that's the Super Bowl.
This is game two of the season, game one at home.
Troy Brown was inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame...during Halftime...of this game.
If I didn't know better, this was the exact same roster that lost both of their last two Super Bowl appearances.
All in all, a bad performance.
But I will say that once the offense plays half as good as the defense did...or once the defense gets enough experience under their belts to turn opportunities into points...the Pats will be back to form.
Game 3 is in Baltimore, and of course I have to work, but I'll be listening as they gain momentum and (hopefully) get all their bugs out in time to make the playoffs.
Wishlist - items added
One of the things I really want...
What is it about this thing?
It was everywhere back before I owned a Blu-ray player, and I do have the DVD, but I can't find it in stores...even used...and online it costs over $20.
I'd expect there to be more of them kicking around if Marvel/Disney was planning on re-issuing it post-Avengers, but I haven't seen any news of such a thing happening.
I'm also adding The Incredible Hulk Blu-ray to my list,
What is it about this thing?
It was everywhere back before I owned a Blu-ray player, and I do have the DVD, but I can't find it in stores...even used...and online it costs over $20.
I'd expect there to be more of them kicking around if Marvel/
I'm also adding The Incredible Hulk Blu-ray to my list,
but this is less than $20...even with the second "digital copy" disc.
Well, Christmas is just around the corner...
Chris Evans talks candidly about Captain America 2
Chris Evans was at the Toronto Film Festival recently and was asked about Cap 2 and 3was unexpectedly candid about how he's feeling about the upcoming sequel...
"I'm dreading it, this is what I keep thinking. We start Captain America 2: Winter Soldier in March so come January I have to…get back in that routine. And then I start thinking about all the future movies and I think to myself, "how am I going to keep getting big?" It's such a chore. I hate to admit it but it's such a chore. It's months and months of lifting heavy, heavy stuff. Not looking forward to it. But you know what, it's worth it because I am happy with the movies and I do love the character. What am I saying though, these are good problems to have."So he's not happy about getting back into shape...which by the way is the same issue Thomas Jane had when faced with The Punisher sequel - and we got Punisher War Journal...but he's happy with the success his role has given him.
I'm okay with this, because let's face it, every actor we've ever seen in every a human being. They have their good days and bad days just like the rest of us. I wouldn't look forward to the diet/weight regimen Chris is going to have, but like him I would do it anyway if it meant playing such an iconic character that's been accepted by the fans.
It sucks, but it's a good type of suckage.
So to Mr. Evans, Mr. Downey, Mr. Hemsworth, Ms. Johansson, and all the other...people...who have and are gearing themselves up for another round of Marvel Studios films let me say this:
Thank You!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
An appliance update....

We pulled our leaking dishwasher away from the wall - no small feat with the hard wiring and hoses - and found the leak coming from the right side of the machine.
Which is where the hose carrying the "dirty" water runs from the machine to the sink drain.
We disconnected said hose and tested it for leakage...but it's fine.
Mrs. Adorkification and Adorkette believe it has something to do with said hose not being mounted high enough, which is a valid reason, but we learned that one of our duel kitchen sinks is also leaking.
As a result, we've agreed to call a soon as we can afford one.
In the meantime, we'll be hand-washing a lot - which takes me back to when Mrs. Adorkification and I first moved in together.
She cooked, I cleaned.
But at least this time we've got some help.
Thanks, Adorkette!
I'll be back to my usual adorkification tomorrow.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
You know what sucks...
...Leaky dishwashers!
We've got one.Good news: The puddle is relatively small.
Bad news: The puddle is relatively small.
So my day will be spent taking said contraption apart (after cutting power and water of course) and seeing a) where the leak is coming from, and b) if it's something we can fix ourselves.
When it comes to things like this, Mrs. Adorkification does the research...and the planning...pretty much everything involved with thought.
I'm the do-er, meaning I'm the one taking out the tools, taking things apart, and making sure it can all fit back together again...after the repeated trips to Home Depot and/or Lowes.
I'm okay with our arrangement, since she has never blamed or criticized me if said contraption fails to work ever again. She sees these adventures as "team events" and I'm thankful for that.
Friday, September 14, 2012
WTF? Friday...9/14/2012
There's another attempt to bring Wonder Woman to television.
Look DC/WB, stop it.
You've got this Arrow thing in the works, and I hear it's not bad, but you can't grow a television universe while trying to get a movie universe going.
To be fair, going the other way is just as dicey...unless you bring back Coulson...but we're not going there.
Plus...what's not to love about this picture?
Star Trek Into Darkness is the current title of the sequel to J. J. Abrams' well done reboot.
Not sure I like the title, but this pic hurts my head. I'll give Uhura trumping Bones' rightful place a pass...and Spock looks like he sat on something...but is that's supposed to be Scotty on the far left? It doesn't look like Simon Pegg, it doesn't look like Scotty...and I think my soul is burning.
New Characters...
New Characters?
New Characters!
Uh, Joss?
And the WTFN? Award of the Week goes to... for offering this little morsel of goodness:
Look DC/WB, stop it.
You've got this Arrow thing in the works, and I hear it's not bad, but you can't grow a television universe while trying to get a movie universe going.
To be fair, going the other way is just as dicey...unless you bring back Coulson...but we're not going there.
Plus...what's not to love about this picture?
Star Trek Into Darkness is the current title of the sequel to J. J. Abrams' well done reboot.
Not sure I like the title, but this pic hurts my head. I'll give Uhura trumping Bones' rightful place a pass...and Spock looks like he sat on something...but is that's supposed to be Scotty on the far left? It doesn't look like Simon Pegg, it doesn't look like Scotty...and I think my soul is burning.
New Characters...
New Characters?
New Characters!
Uh, Joss?
And the WTFN? Award of the Week goes to... for offering this little morsel of goodness:
Damn straight!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Everyone has Wishlists...myself included.
In fact, I've got quite a few. Movies, music, comics, cars...and cards.
You all know I loves me some Goblins, so here's a few cards that have eluded thus far and prevent me from creating the perfect Goblin Horde...
Frenzied Goblin would save me some Mana Burn while making any creature I choose unable to block me that turn.
This Enchantment could help me as well as hurt me.
The Good: I get an additional 1/1 Goblin per turn...which is great because I have a bunch of counters I haven't been able to use yet.
The Bad: Every Goblin I have in play must attack...I can't tell you how many times I've lost Crazed Goblin because I had to attack with it.
So the key to this card is to use it wisely, but isn't that the way to play every card?
In fact, I've got quite a few. Movies, music, comics, cars...and cards.
You all know I loves me some Goblins, so here's a few cards that have eluded thus far and prevent me from creating the perfect Goblin Horde...
Frenzied Goblin would save me some Mana Burn while making any creature I choose unable to block me that turn.
This Enchantment could help me as well as hurt me.
The Good: I get an additional 1/1 Goblin per turn...which is great because I have a bunch of counters I haven't been able to use yet.
The Bad: Every Goblin I have in play must attack...I can't tell you how many times I've lost Crazed Goblin because I had to attack with it.
So the key to this card is to use it wisely, but isn't that the way to play every card?
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