Friday, September 7, 2012

WTF? Friday...9/7/2012

Let's start on a musical note:

This pic is awesome, but I have a few issues -

Hulk should be a bass, Spider-Man and Superman should be acoustic, Iron Man needs to me electric, and there needs to be a Fire or Firebird or Living Lightning to get a Spanish guitar in there.

How about Ambush Bug or Impossible Man as a banjo?

Lobo would be an axe, and only two females represented? What's up with that?

I don't know about the Extremis storyline but it seems they're combining it with Armor Wars, because according to the latest and greatest (subject to change of course) Tony's going to be up against several armored villains.

Combine this with Mandarin and there's a lot going on. A lot.

I think this is bulls#!t, but I'll say what Marvel/Disney won't - eventually there's going to be a Cars 2. A film that for whatever reason won't meet expectations at the box office. It's gonna happen. My money was on Guardians of the Galaxy, but it could be anything.

I'd still watch IM3 (or GotG for that matter), own it, and beg for more...because I'm a dork and have waited thirty years for Marvel Movies. (I'd buy Dolph's Punisher if I could find it on Blu-ray.) My only hope is that Marvel/Disney won't pull the plug. And since Pixar's still around, Marvel Studios should be too.

And this week's WTFN? award goes to...

I'm on the fence about Coulson returning to the MMU as Vision. On one hand, it makes sense, Coulson's a great character we want to see more of, and this could make it happen. But the comic book dork in me's getting a headache.

We'd need a Wonder Man-type character too. See, in the books, Simon Williams (Wonder Man) was a Tony Stark/type rival, and (long story short) his brain-waves were used in the creation of Vision. So Vision looked like Vision, but thought/acted like Simon...until different experiences caused the android's personality to deviate from Simon's.

Making Vision work in the MMU...while still bringing back Coulson...means one of two things:
a) Clark Gregg becomes Vision, but another character's brain-waves are used - meaning the android looks like Coulson but acts nothing like him, or
b) Vision is played by a completely different actor, but Coulson's brain-waves are used - meaning Vision would sound and act like Coulson, but look completely different.

Either way, Gregg/Coulson would be a continuing part of the MMU, and both options would work for me. But Marvel/Joss needs to make a decision on Vision. Soon.

As always...

In Marvel Studios I Trust

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