Thursday, September 20, 2012

The New 52...52 weeks later

It's been a year since DC chucked their universe and started over from scratch for (at the very least) a second time.

I haven't read a single issue...

...or a single page for that matter.

I admit - comics sales as a whole were slumping on some level and DC's numbers were continuously behind Marvel's, so something had to be done.

But did they really have to reinvent the wheel...again?

There's been negative comments about it by creators...including George Perez...about how DC didn't know what they were doing with this concept while it was happening.

And this isn't even the first time DC had problems with their game plan. If you've got Batman Begins on DVD like I do, and like watching all the extra goodies included on DVD' I do...then you've seen Dan DiDio talk up DC's "brand new Batman series" written by Frank Miller and drawn by Jim Lee called All Star Batman and Robin.

A series that started in 2005...but saw only one issue published in all of 2006!

By the time the New 52 got started, I all but gave up on DC entirely. Don't get me wrong - DC has a tremendous amount of cool characters that I grew up with and love to this day...

...but these ain't the characters I grew up with, or read somewhat religiously post-Crisis.

So is the New 52/DCnU a success?

Yes it is. Absolutely. It brought new life to the medium and new readers to the counter.

It's just not for me.

The DC Universe(s) that I plan on spending my hard earned allowance money on ended somewhere around when Superman returned from the dead...with the possible exception of 52, because that was a damn good series.

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