Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rounding out my (current) Red Deck...

There's three more spells I haven't mentioned yet that I've included in my current 60 card Red deck (and 15 card sideboard). First up is an oldie but a goodie...

Pyroblast. Great against Blue, worthless against anything else.

Can I just ask - Why aren't there Red cards like this (or Boil, or Flashfires) against Green? I understand that part of the nature of the game is to have certain colors work with/against each other, but Red causing Green Forests to burn just makes sense.

Cinder Cloud has a similar effect, but adds a little bite when dealing with White - giving damage equal to said white creature's power to its controller. (Sorry Adorkette...)

Then there's Blasphemous Act -

A mega 9 casting cost card, but gets cheaper for every creature currently on the battlefield. A great card to have in any deck when going against Green, because they're all about creatures and growth.

And may I say that while technically not a Goblin-related card, it sure acts like one, because it gives 13 points of damage to every creature...including mine.

Is it worth sacrificing my seven or eight 1/1 and 2/2 Goblins for each 7/7 Wurm Mrs. Adorkification has in play? Yes...Yes it is!

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