We pulled our leaking dishwasher away from the wall - no small feat with the hard wiring and hoses - and found the leak coming from the right side of the machine.
Which is where the hose carrying the "dirty" water runs from the machine to the sink drain.
We disconnected said hose and tested it for leakage...but it's fine.
Mrs. Adorkification and Adorkette believe it has something to do with said hose not being mounted high enough, which is a valid reason, but we learned that one of our duel kitchen sinks is also leaking.
As a result, we've agreed to call a professional...as soon as we can afford one.
In the meantime, we'll be hand-washing a lot - which takes me back to when Mrs. Adorkification and I first moved in together.
She cooked, I cleaned.
But at least this time we've got some help.
Thanks, Adorkette!
I'll be back to my usual adorkification tomorrow.
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