This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...
Season 2 Episode 22: "S.O.S Part 2"
The Good:

I couldn't tell if that was a different actor, or a really fantastic make-up/costume job.

Goodbye Jiaying!
May. You're going on vacation. Take the Glock, leave the cannoli. And the locker number? 33?


Nice nickname!

Speaking of Daisy/Skye,
Goodbye Kara!

Take that you sonuvabitch!

Goodbye Gordon...ya' bastich!
I'm with Fitz on this: She's had 22 episodes to talk about what happened, and she decides to bring it up now?

Why the F**K would they want to kill a Mockingbird?
Well, yeah. They didn't. But they made us THINK that's where they were going. I would have been

beyond belief!
Must this show lose a hand every season?
But I guess the point here is that every S.H.I.E.L.D. Director must lose something.



Oh, we're not even going near talking about that...

I'm glad to see T.A.H.I.T.I. not suck so much!
The Good:
I couldn't tell if that was a different actor, or a really fantastic make-up/costume job.
Either way, they pulled off the look of Mr. Hyde. It was just monstrous enough without going into League of Extraordinary Gentlemen territory.
And Coulson? Driving the vehicle to pin him against the wall and bracing it with...whatever that was?
That's all I ask of this show - smart, dedicated, regular people having to come up with ways to fight against
(or in some cases with)
aliens, monsters, villains, misguided youths, etc...
And Cal fights the baddies!

Goodbye Jiaying!


Nice nickname!

Speaking of Daisy/Skye,
Look at her kicking a$$ and taking names! She and Mack do made a good team, and I hope he wises up and sticks with the group.
Goodbye Kara!

Take that you sonuvabitch!

Goodbye Gordon...ya' bastich!
The Bad:
I'm with Fitz on this: She's had 22 episodes to talk about what happened, and she decides to bring it up now?
The WTF?:

Why the F**K would they want to kill a Mockingbird?
Well, yeah. They didn't. But they made us THINK that's where they were going. I would have been

beyond belief!
Must this show lose a hand every season?
But I guess the point here is that every S.H.I.E.L.D. Director must lose something.



Oh, we're not even going near talking about that...
Adorkification Moment:

I'm glad to see T.A.H.I.T.I. not suck so much!
Coulson...letting someone else touch drive Lola.
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