It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...
Season 3 Episode 21: "Al Sah-him"
Season 3 Episode 21: "Al Sah-him"
The Good:

Go Thea! Arrowette comin' at ya!

...that's two plots in this show I'm tired of.
Did anyone else feel this relationship was forced?

I mean yeah they've forced relationships before, but that was built up over two-and-a-half years.

This felt like it came out of nowhere.

Where'd Ray go? Off to start the spin-off?
Damien Darhk? Nope. Never heard of him.

Are we finally going to see how Tatsu and Maseo's son dies? Or is this another herring?
Now Ra's is forcing Oliver to destroy Star(ling) City?

New intro and narration! "Was Oliver Queen"?
I liked how they incorporated the current storyline into the voice-over...
...despite the fact that I hate the current storyline.
I was hoping this season would finally get Oliver to add the Green to the Arrow. It may still happen, but this League of Assassins story has dragged on throughout what? Two seasons? Enough already.

Go Thea! Arrowette comin' at ya!
The Bad:
Nyssa had that Alpha/Omega concoction in her sword hilt this entire time?
Don't get me wrong...I dig the character and could listen to her talk all day, but I've seen her do some major damage with her weapons - to Oliver, Laurel, basically everyone. You're telling me that deadly stuff's been hidden there during all of that fighting? I don't care how safely it's packaged...that's some dangerous s#!t right there. Speaking of that deadly virus...

...that's two plots in this show I'm tired of.
Did anyone else feel this relationship was forced?

I mean yeah they've forced relationships before, but that was built up over two-and-a-half years.

I remember Nyssa becoming Laurel's trainer (I think) two episodes ago, but this "friendship"? That's new. Plus, that whole "dip the french fry in the chocolate shake" thing was brought up for the sole purpose of setting up the end of the episode - where Laurel dips the french fry in the chocolate shake.
The WTF?:

Damien Darhk? Nope. Never heard of him.

Are we finally going to see how Tatsu and Maseo's son dies? Or is this another herring?
Now Ra's is forcing Oliver to destroy Star(ling) City?
Adorkification Moment:

The Sonic Cry in action. It's cool.
Cisco does good work...however the hell he does it.
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