Saturday, May 9, 2015

First Impressions - Flash: "The Trap"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 20: "The Trap"
The Good:
"Barry Allen, Founding member of..."

Barry created Gideon? Cool, although, I'm pretty sure Cisco and Caitlin helped.

Nice flashback too. 
It never occurred to me that getting Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs after the accident would be an issue, but it makes sense that it would have been. I guess this is also when Joe meets "Wells" for the first time, which is also cool.

Iris finally learns Barry's secret, but I'll come back to this later.

The Bad:
Cisco entering the Dreaming. First of all - 
is there a better way to introduce Morpheus? I mean, if you were going to?
Talk about missed opportunity...
Second - entering a nightmare where you're killed at the end? 
That's just stupid. Why not yank him out before Ichabod's hand starts vibrating? Plus, fans woild unleash holy hell if Cisco dies. That's just a fact. 

How Iris learns Barry's secret.
Electrical discharge? This would be a WTF? if it wasn't so terribly forced. I mean, hasn't Barry physically relocated Iris on several occasions already? Wouldn't she have felt this "shock" before now?
I'm thinking yeah...she would have.

The WTF?:
So Eddie learns that Wells is Ichabod,
and Ichabod is the Reverse-Flash.
How does this help Ichabod's plan? Maybe I'm just tired, but kidnapping your own great-great-grandfather or whatever does what - ensure your future? Like someone would have killed Eddie just to ensure Ichabod is never born? And telling Eddie that Ichabod's his descendant from the future only seems to me to drive Eddie further down the road towards insanity. 
Was this meant to create viewer tension? Like "oh no! Please don't tell him about Iris' future"?
No one watching this show wants Eddie and Iris to be together.
Not even Joe.

Ichabod using Everyman as a decoy?
And Joe kills him?

Adorkification Moment: There were three...

Nothing beats references to classic '80's movies. And, of course,
Channel 52!

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