Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath of Marvel’s Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers, Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos...but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.
I'm going to need do some research because I'm not well versed in Thor's history in the comics.
As for the film, we know that Natalie Portman is back as Jane Foster and the rest of the characters seen in Thor return - except Fandral will now be played by Zachary Levi.
As for new characters, there's Tyr and Kurse (which are news to me) and of course Malekith.
My guess is that we'll learn more about the cast in the coming months. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Balder, Karnilla and Hela show up.
But we know we'll need a teaser to to end this film. Wouldn't it be cool to see something happen that would require Thor to return to Midgard? A threat that could endanger Jane and have the potential to...I don't with other villainous ilk? Maybe someone born on Midgard that wind up altered by some not-so-nice Asgardians...
In Marvel Studios I Trust
I just had a thought:
* We don't know when S.H.I.E.L.D. will air...
* We know Coulson will be in the show...
* We know that Loki killed Coulson...
* We know Thor witnessed Coulson's death...
* Valhalla is a place where Asgardian warriors go when they die...
* Thor's going to be all over Asgard in Thor 2...
Could it be? Is it possible?
Could Thor...over the course of the movie...find Coulson in Hela's realm...and bring him back?
Nah...even Whedon isn't that tricksy...
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