Tuesday, October 23, 2012

...and finally this.

So, here's the trailer...finally...but two things I have to mention:

* Nice to see the Paramount logo again. Maybe Disney's keeping just the Avengers films to itself?
*This trailer came out of Marvel UK, which is important, because it shows the release date of April 26, 2013. This means the UK get to see it a week before us. Why? I don't know.

Now the details...

The opening shots of Iron Man on the ground on the snow. My guess is that's after the final battle of the film...after he kicks Mandarin's ass.

We then see Tony walking through the press. That's probably the beginning of the film, when they recap what happened in The Avengers...as if anyone didn't know what happened there.

Then we see Tony playing with the new "Extremis" armor. Rather than coming from within his body, I think they're going to have it respond to his thoughts through some sort of telekinetic link. This would explain why the armor grabs Pepper while Tony's asleep - it's reacting to his nightmare.

If that's Mandarin at 0:47, where are the rings?

As for the brunette at 0:48, I'll go for broke and say that's Madame Masque.

At 0:51, there's a man on the ground. Looks more like Ivan Vanko than Mandarin. It could be someone who stole Arc Reactor tech, since it looks like there's one glowing on his chest. Could this be Mandarin's origin?

The surgery scene. My guess is that's where they implant the tech he developed that links his thoughts to the armor - instead of wearing the gear we see when he's talking to Pepper.

The Iron Man armor does open the plane at 0:53, so maybe Mandarin does gain control of it. But then why save the woman? Maybe the woman is Pepper, which would explain her crying as a prisoner in the next clip.

0:59 The rings. They look awesome...but do they work?

Then the armor faces Tony. This could be Mandarin controlled, but my money is the nightmare Tony's having when the armor reassembles itself from the floor of his bedroom and grabs Pepper. On second thought, the armor grabs Pepper first, which wakes up Tony, and then he disassembles it before trying to get some sleep.

03 Mandarin again? Most likely, but still no rings...and since when does Mandarin use a gun?

1:11 NOT THE HOUSE!!! Awww...MAN!!! And what the hell is with that giant bunny by the stairs?

My only thought as Iron Man is dragged into the ocean...Where's Pepper?

And finally, seeing Tony dragging stuff through the snow at 1:48 reminds me of his walk through the desert in Iron Man.

Let me add that there's no way in hell Tony's armor gets destroyed. I can see them sinking to the bottom of the ocean...along with the house...but destroyed? Nuh uh...no way...

Plus, having the armor go missing rather than destroyed sets up Armor Wars for the next trilogy.

So there we are. We all know Pepper won't stay with Tony forever, she winds up with Happy in the comics, but there is no way she's getting killed off. She's what Tony goes to China, or wherever Mandarin lives, for the final battle.

I bet cash money that Guy Pierce's character has connections to A.I.M., but that brings up another thing -

Where are the cameos? We see Rhodey, who we assume is wearing the Patriot armor, but there's no Nick Fury and no Bruce Banner - who leaves with Tony at the end of The Avengers.

I want MODOK...
I want A.I.M. soldiers...
I want Space Armor...Undersea Armor...Stealth Armor...
I want Fing Fang F**king Foom...

I want another trailer...

I want it to be May already...

I want to go to England, and have it be April already...

More please.

In Marvel Studios I Trust

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