There's still no schedule posted for which events are when throughout the weekend, but here's what I'm looking at attending right now for Saturday:
Why Censorship is Bull$#!@: Mort Todd (Vex, Cracked Magazine) and Sean Murphy (Joe the Barbarian, Punk Rock Jesus) team up and tell you about their experiences with censorship and controversy over their respective works at home and abroad.
This looks interesting because I can't stand censorship. It's one thing to keep "mature audience" product on a separate shelf, in a different place, or behind a counter - which makes sense - and another to edit something like Bomb Queen or Lost Girls from the original content so that it's safe for a 12-year-old to buy.
For the record, I feel the same way about movies and music. Adorkette likes the musician Pink, and guess what - there's swear words in some of her songs. I'm not going to erase Pink's songs from my daughter's iPod. I'm going to educate her to understand that sometimes musicians...and artists in general...use "bad" words to express themselves. It happens. Listen, don't listen. Like, don't like. The choice is hers.
What the @$*& is up with Valiant?!: Everyone at Coast City has been thrilled to have Valiant back, but none of us knows how this resurgence came about. Archer & Armstrong writer Fred Van Lente and die-hard Valiant fan Joseph Schmalke drop some knowledge on Valiant’s big comeback.
This goes back to my original love of Valiant, and I'm curious to see what's happening now.
Celebrity Draw-Off: Becky Cloonan (Demo, Wolves, Conan), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Fell, Choker), and Christian DiBari (The Warriors, Pale Horse) face off and put their drawing and improvisation skills to the test. Bill Corbett (Voice of MST3K’s Crow T Robot) MCs and you, the audience, shout suggestions of themes or scenarios. The artists then have 10 minutes to draw their best representation of your suggestions. You decide whose work best embodies the chosen theme!
This sounds like a lot of fun. I first met Becky Cloonan at a convention in Westbrook, ME years ago. I even got her to sign a copy of Demo #2. Think I'll bring it with me and ask her to sign it again.
Costume Contest: Think you’ve got what it takes to win this year’s costume contest? Our celebrity panel will be the judges of that! Bill Corbett, Ben Templesmith, Penny Dreadful XIII (Penny Dreadful’s Shilling Shockers) and Becky Cloonan will watch you strut your stuff and award prizes to the top three contestants.
Costume contests are always fun. Doesn't matter what genre either. I love the dedication and admire the craftsmanship that go into these things. Not to mention the courage to actually wear the things.
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