This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...
Season 2 Episode 19: "The Dirty Half Dozen"
The Good:
Coulson and May have words, and it's about damn time too.

...but she should have at least gotten her gun out.

The Good:
Coulson and May have words, and it's about damn time too.
Tell me that scene where Coulson's at the computer and May's asking about "the plan" wasn't meant to invoke Cap and Natasha's exchange in Winter Soldier. Double dog dare ya.
Spoiler Alert!
I've got $5 that says that conversation with Coulson's in the movie.
How about that continuous shot?
I was gonna say something about how Daisy/Skye kicked ass...but that's not true. Chloe Bennet did the kicking of the ass. That was her in the whole scene. Credit to the special effects people (who got the timing of the pipes bursting and stuff DOWN!) and also to the stunt people (who managed to choreograph, and execute, all of that action). That was some damn good television right there, and worthy of buying the Season 2 Blu-ray on that shot alone.
He got to eat the sandwich.
Simmons got DARK! A for effort...
...bye-bye Bakshi...

...but she should have at least gotten her gun out.

but at least she could have pulled out another one of them there bomb things. That would have REALLY put to bed the question of "how far would she go?"
I'll say it - I like Mike.
I HATED how they shoehorned Deathlok into last season. That was bull. But here? It absolutely works.
You're gonna need another Bus.
I was sorry to see 6-1-6 go, but now we have 2-1-8? Is that a thing in the books? Clever use of the Quinjet though...
The Bad:
No one took a shot? Not even May?
Bulls#!t...May would have taken a shot.
Or Fitz. Or both.
This remains unresolved in my book.
Say it with me...
F**k Fox!
Bulls#!t...May would have taken a shot.
Or Fitz. Or both.
This remains unresolved in my book.
You want Hunter and Mack to put this behind them and move on? Okay - let Hunter pop him one. It would be a cheap and dirty shot, but I don't care. I'm not saying Mack should be locked in a bathroom or anything, just one solid hit that maybe knocks Mack on his a$$...'cause let's face it - Mack would clean the HOUSE with him...and then I'd call it square.
The WTF?:
"Spinning in circles to collect gold rings"? I don't get it.
Plus - is she ever gonna get a "name"?
Adorkification Moment:
So - the twins get powers from Inhuman DNA?
They're mutants.Say it with me...
F**k Fox!
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