Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Impressions - Flash: "Tricksters"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 17: "Tricksters"
The Good:

The Speed Force. Finally!

Henry knows!


The Bad: Actually, there wasn't anything. But there was a BUNCH of...

The WTF?:
So Harrison Wells isn't Harrison Wells. He's Ichabod Thawne or whatever who used a gizmo that made him switch bodies with Wells - who died from the experience. 
Wait...why did he die from the experience?
Was it because of the time difference? Did Wells die from "old age"? If that's true, wouldn't Ichabod have reverted to less than a zygote? 'Cause y'know - TIME DIFFERENCE!

So let's talk about ol' Ichabod...
...what...'s Eobard?
...yeah no. It's Ichabod. That's easier to pronounce.
So Ichabod's the true killer of Barry's mother.
And he's the killer of Wells' wife Tess Morgan (another name I'm sure means something in DC/Flash lore that I'm not familiar with). But the gizmo Ichabod used to convert himself to Wells was only a physical transformation right? Meaning it only made Ichabod look like Wells, since they made the point to show Ichabod/Wells tell the police that his name was "Harrison...Wells".
And the test they did on the blood found at the scene doesn't match Wells' because...why?
Because Joe and Barry ran their sample against what's already in the system?
Alright, I'll give you that. But Ichabod's been stuck in the past since Barry was eight or however old he was when his mother died. So you're saying this guy...
...DAMMIT! Sorry...
...this guy...hasn't visited a doctor or had a physical in the past 12+ years?
Someone's playing a trick I think...

Now...about the Speed Force.
Using the Speed Force to vibrate through walls was cool, but if the bomb is on his wrist...wouldn't it vibrate through the wall too?
Come to think of it, if the bomb wasn't vibrating at the same frequency - thus falling off Barry's body - wouldn't Barry's suit fall off his body too?
And someone's gonna have to explain to me how moving the same frequency as air would allow anything to PASS THROUGH SOLID MATTER! 'Cause AIR DOESN'T PASS THROUGH SOLID MATTER!

Then there's Eddie...who also knows.
I guess that's a good thing? I mean, could it be a bad thing? Is this so there's even more reason for Eddie to hate Barry after Iris chooses him? 

And finally,
How did that trap work?
Henry's sitting under a giant box...of knives I guess?...that are set to drop at a certain time? Or was it set to drop when the door opened? How would Barry know that? I mean Trickster could have told him, sure, but what kind of candy-a$$ trap was that anyway? It would have been better to see the giant crate fall onto the chair.

Adorkification Moment:
Aw HELL yeah..!

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