Thursday, April 9, 2015

First Impressions - Arrow: "Public Enemy"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Season 3 Episode 18: "Public Enemy"
The Good:
Was that a new intro? I think that was a new intro.

More Katana!!!

Felicity wasn't shot - but...

The Bad: 
...Ray was.
I didn't get why they did that...until he mentioned the nanites. Looks like that is how they're gonna make him shrink. A cool concept, but I'm surprised they're doing so much with him this season.

Not enough Katana!!!

Let me get this straight...
Ollie's got the police after him, and his city against him, because Ra's wants him to take over the League. I'm with it, but this episode felt like I was watching Season 1 all over again...
...except Quentin's hair was different.
The same kind of thing's happening over on AoS - forward plot progression through regression - and I hate it. I want to feel like I'm watching something new, not something I've already seen. I'm getting older by the day, and my memory ain't what it used to be. This s#!t's not helping any. And another thing that's been bugging me: 

see this guy? His name is Oliver Queen...not Bruce Wayne.
This show's been feeling like they're trying to get as Batman as they can without crossing the line. Why? I'll admit that there's some similarity to the two characters...
...okay, a lot of similarities between the two characters...
,,,but everyone watching this show knows they're not watching Batman. Even people watching Gotham (and where the hell have they been? Saving money for some really cool effects I hope.) knows they're not watching Batman. 
So stop it already.
And can we please, for the love of Mike, get the GREEN in there? Like by season's end?

Plus - it seems everyone knows his secret now.
Even Quentin.
But so what? I mean Thea owns the club. Ray owns Palmer Technologies. So it's not like society's grinding to a halt or anything now that everyone knows. So why did everyone have to know? 

As for the "Past-Ollie" stuff, I don't remember Shado having a twin sister.
Granted - the only Shado story I've read (so far) is The Longbow Hunters, but I know she's shown up in the books since. But a sister? That's news to me.

The WTF?: Let's start with the big one...
Why was the TV even on?
Seriously though.
First of all, why was Roy wearing the suit? The police knew The Arrow had someone wearing red working with him, so having someone else show up dressed in green shouldn't be that big of a shock. Second, Roy...God love a good four inches shorter than Ollie, and that's being generous. You're telling me Ollie plans so far ahead that he just happened to have a Roy-sized green suit just waiting in the wings on the off chance he'd be forced to wear it? Is there an Ollie-sized Arsenal suit right next to it? 
Well yeah, ol "Copy that" guy did copy that, and put the suit on himself,
but he's closer in height - if not body type- and they even made a joke of it at the time. I remember Diggle saying it "felt a little snug". 
But this?
I mean...
...not even Thea's buying that crap.

Speaking of the SCPD,
I know that ninjas in general, and League assassins in particular, are keen to wear black and stick to the shadows...but anyone dressed in black, on the roof of a building, with a freakin' helicopter spotlight shining down on them, will be seen. Especially when they're unconscious. So wouldn't Star(ling) City's finest at least be scratching their heads at all these people lying about on the roof? I mean yeah, go after the guy you're going after, but shouldn't someone have been thinking "WTF?"

Adorkification Moment:
Channel 52!

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