It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...
Episode 1: "Into the Ring"
Episode 1: "Into the Ring"
The Good: Heh - Where to start?

THAT was a wicked cool intro.
Charlie Cox nailed it. Hell, the entire cast nailed it.
Adorkification Moment:

THAT was a wicked cool intro.
Charlie Cox nailed it. Hell, the entire cast nailed it.
Speaking of cast...
Turk! And was that Grotto sitting in the chair? I think it was.
If you're not going to introduce the "big bad" in Episode 1 - which makes perfect sense - you must bring in "Number Two". Wesley is "Number Two", and Toby Leonard Moore makes hating him sooo much fun.
Having her be Nelson and Murdock's first case was brilliant. One of the reasons Daredevil was one of my favorite titles was the mystery aspect. It makes sense that a lawyer would sometimes have to play detective and solve crimes. I'm not expecting a "mystery-of-the-week" format, but it should pop up from time to time because it's part of Matt's life.
The fight choreography...
I'm gonna say it: there was more on-screen fighting in this one episode than there was in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight combined, and it was glorious. There's no "watered-down" PG-13 style city fighting. This is down and dirty street fighting...exactly what Daredevil is about.
The Bad: There really wasn't anything, but if I had to pick one, it would be this -
One of the best things from the 2003 film was Rhythm and Hues' special effects.
They did a phenomenal job making Matt's hearing abilities look cool. Here, they went a completely different route, which makes total sense, but I just wasn't feeling it. I get the visual effect used to show he's listening to a heartbeat, but it's too subtle. I would have liked to actually see the heartbeat or the rapid breathing. Again - this is minor stuff.
The WTF?: The Hellions?
I thought they were part of the FOX deal.
"The Incident". That's a nice way of saying this all takes place after The Avengers.
Union Allied.
Now I have to go back though all of AoS Season One (as well as all of the films) to see if and where these guys pop up. Damn.
That was Carl "Crusher" Creel's name on the flyer on the wall!
'Nuff said. This show is everything I wanted AoS to be, and I'm savoring every single episode.
No binge watching here.
No binge watching here.
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