Monday, April 27, 2015

Avengers Assembled...Early? (Monday Movie Roundup...4/27/2015)

Break out the popcorn Pepe, it's going to be a loooong month!

 Can I just say how much it SUCKS that other palces get to see this before me?, I mean us. (Ahem)
A:AoA has made $201.2 million so far.


The country with the largest contribution (with $28.2 million)? South Korea. I guess it's because part of the movie takes place there...which I didn't know. I thought most of it took place in South Africa (where it opened April 24th), but that's what I get for keeping my head in the sand.
Other markets included the U.K. ($27.3 million), Russia ($16.2 million), Brazil and Australia (which brought in $13.1 million each), France ($12.4 million) and Germany ($9.3 million).
The film opens in Spain, Canada, Egypt, Brazil, here, and a bunch of other places throughout this week, but interestingly enough China gets it last - May 12th.
Since it hasn't been shown (outside of the premiere) in the States yet, I'm gonna ask the question: Where the hell are War Machine and Falcon in this thing? This has been bugging me for a while, but I thought it would be explained in a teaser/trailer. Rhodey's shown helping Tony try to lift the hammer...and then nothing? Is he off helping Sam track down Bucky or something? I sure hell hope it's explained in the film.
Take THAT Furious 7!
Yeah - I know A:AoA has a long ways to go, but that's what makes this job so fun. Have a good week all!

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