Wednesday, October 1, 2014

First Impressions - AoS: 'Heavy is the Head'

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...

Season 2 Episode 2: 'Heavy is the Head'
The Good: Mack. I like him. Maybe he'll replace the Simmons voice in his head?
* That bit where Coulson was using floor-to-ceiling holographic tech. Reminded me of a less-advanced J.A.R.V.I.S., which made me think that Stark would have no problem helping out Coulson...providing he knew Coulson was alive. Could this be part of what becomes Ultron?
* Is it me, or do the corpses look a lot like Grey Gargoyle victims?

The Bad: Another "somebody shoots the good guys" bit. Granted, he used icers instead of bullets but still...
* Raina. What's her deal? Will we ever learn anything about her?
* May photographing Coulson's "episode". I was wondering why she just doesn't wait until he was done to photograph everything, but then I realized she might be photographing Coulson during the "episode". That's fine, but wouldn't S.H.I.E.L.D. have access to video cameras?
* So we're to think Kyle MacLachlan is Skye's father? I don't think he is, I just think we're supposed to think he is.
* That clip of Coulson looking up Agent Carter's bio. We get it. There's another series coming in January. We know this. No need to continually bang us over the head with it.

The WTF?: There's chatter on the web that Fitz could become a recognizable villain...
...which would be okay, I guess,
but I'd feel better about it if George Tarleton was - I dunno - head of the project or something.

Adorkification Moment: The Bus...with cloaking tech. Very, very cool.

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