Wednesday, October 15, 2014

First Impressions - Marvel Studios: The Civil War

I think this is the dumbest f**king thing Marvel Studios has ever done.
You've been warned...
The Good: Crossover heaven. I mean, we've already seen Shellhead and Cap in then same movie, but why not more?

The Bad: i get the feeling that this was Marvel Studios' "Plan B" in case Sony and FOX refused to share their Marvel cash cows franchises in an Infinity Gauntlet/Secret Wars plot. Thanks a lot Sony and FOX...a**holes!
* We're getting Thanos. We know this. Did Thanos factor in anywhere in Civil War? I wouldn't know, because I never read it, but being a "civil war' and not an interstellar war, I'm thinking no.
* So, instead of Infinity Gauntlet we're going to see Marvel Heroes suit up and battle it out...against each other? Granted, it's been a Marvel staple going back to the sixties that their heroes often fight before teaming up, but that's the comics, but do we really need to see Thor fight Hulk again
* No Wolverine, or any X-Men.
* No Spidey.

The WTF? One big draw to the story in the books was to see which side every Marvel hero would choose. Right now, not including Coulson's team...or the Guardians (because again - civil, not interstellar), we've got nine. Ten if we include Deathlok. Ant-Man and the Netflix Defenders (including Doctor Strange) brings the total up to sixteen. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch make it eighteen
That's right...eighteen.
Not even close to the number of characters involved in the original plot. Plus, eighteen different characters is waaaaay too many to follow in a film. (Then again, I haven't seen X-M: DoFP yet.)

Adorkification Moment: When Marvel Studios wakes the hell up, realizes their mistake, and goes back to their original plan and give us a F**KING INFINITY GAUNTLET MOVIE!!!

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