Friday, May 2, 2014

WTF? Friday/First Impressions - AoS : 'Nothing Personal'

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 20: 'Nothing Personal'

The Good:
1) Gotta admit - I loved how Fitz learned Ward was HYDRA...and then freaked out about it (seriously, I cheered out loud) ...
2) May meeting Hill and talking about Fury...
3) It was good to see Talbot again...
4) Skye using her brains to trap Ward at the diner...
5) Coulson's reaction to Deathlok being on the bus...
6) Coulson digging into his pocket for the valet...
The Bad:
1) ...but nobody else did? I'm sorry, but Coulson's gonna have to emote a little soon. And when he does, there's gonna be a whole LOT of hell-catchin' for the bad guys.
2) ...but the "grave" reference was really obvious.
3) ...but there is no way, and I mean NO way Coulson could beat him in a fight. Stun/distract him long enough to escape? Sure. Take him down in a straight on knock-down drag-out? Not a chance.
4) ...then doing something as dumb as surrendering to the cops. Ward easily beat the ones in the diner, so why would she think being arrested by two more would make a difference?
5) ...but his sneaking aboard the bus in the first place was rather predictable.
6) ...however, I didn't like seeing what happened to Lola. She's a Helicar. Shouldn't she have bullet-proof glass?
The WTF?: Wait - Coulson...was in charge of T.A.H.I.T.I.?

Adorkification Moment: Has to be when Hill was on the phone talking to Pepper. Why would she be talking to Pepper you may ask? Because at the end of CA: TWS, we see Hill in the Human Resources Department of Stark International.
Hey DC...
...THAT'S how it's supposed to work!

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