Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Impressions - AoS: 'Seeds'

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 12: 'Seeds'
The Good: I honestly think this is the best episode to date.
* We got to see Coulson's reaction to hearing about the Way-ship...and it's not so much.
* We learned more of Skye's past, and Coulson's reaction to that.
* We learned more of how S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are schooled.
* It was also nice to see the team break off into smaller teams, following different stories.

The Bad: I didn't like the last scene with Donnie Gill. I get that they made him tech savvy instead of a flunkie for Justin Hammer, but as he's taken away it looks like his ability to freeze the moisture around him is now biological, rather than technological - resulting in non-comic fans thinking Gill's a mutant instead of an altered human like Spider-Man or the Hulk. He's not Iceman people...he's Blizzard.

The WTF?: How long did the storm take to dissipate? And I'm guessing Ward was still in the Boiler Room with the cadets and not on the Bus with the rest of the team when they picked up Gill and the other kid...right?

Adorkification Moment: Did anyone else recognize the agent in charge of the campus from Doctor Who? It was the same Eighth Doctor episode that Simon Pegg was on.
* Skye was an 0-8-4? That's awesome!
* May confessing to Coulson that she's having sex with Ward? Awesome!
* Did anyone get the feeling this episode was crossing over to Agent Carter territory? Me too.

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