Friday, January 10, 2014

WTF? Fridays...1/10/2014

I just found out that there ware plans to introduce another character into the MMU in Thor: The Dark World...
Brunnhilde, otherwise known as:
I know there are many people who dissed Iron Man 2 because there were "too many characters in it.
Okay, never mind the fact that there were even more characters in Avengers and no one had a problem with that.
If you read Marvel comics in the seventies and eighties like I did...
...heck if you even read a back issue from that timer...'d see a lot more than just the plot of the book.
You'd see Spidey swing by, or hear about something going on in Jersey.
That's what made Marvel book so cool:
You felt like you were in a Universe full of characters.
That's one of the things that makes the MMU work too.
Give us more characters...even if it's a "bit part" with a few throw-away lines.
See, Singer threw a lot of cameos in X-Men
right down to Dani Moonstar brushing Brightwind in the stable.
Brightwind...for those not in the know...was a winged horse belonging to Asgard!
Of course, there's little mention of it in the commentary, 
and nothing (I mean nothing) extra on the DVD explaining any of the extra bits of which there were many.
Now I can understand why FOX would pull back on that stuff for legal reasons,
but Marvel Studios' whole idea is that there's more going on than what we're watching in the moment.
So why the heck are they holding themselves back?

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