Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Peggy Carter's getting her own series?

I loved the One-Shot that came with Iron Man 3,
but the thought of another series set within the MMU in a different time makes me pause.
Not because I think it's a bad idea...I don't.
But there are SO many ways this could backfire:
* Introducing multiple Caps.
In the comics, there have been three or four other people that took on the Captain America Persona while Steve Rogers was on ice.One of them being so anti-communist that he fully supported Senator Joseph McCarthy's "witch hunt" in the 1950's. While I can understand the comics, I really can't see Marvel/Disney going this route. My hope is that they keep Cap out of it.

* The original Human Torch.
We saw the android that was eventually named Jim Hammond briefly in Cap. I'd like to see more of him, but with Human Torch locked in with Fox's Fantastic Four franchise, I've no idea how they'd swing it. Granted, they've got Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver coming in Avengers 2, so maybe a deal can be reached? But even if they do get Hammond, there are other problems...

* The Invaders.
Namor was an Invader. Along with Cap...and Jim Hammond. And another Bucky, and Toro. I can't see Namor coming to television, even if he wasn't tied to the FF. Never mind another Bucky and a kid who could set himself on fire. If they do bring in the team, my money'd be on including Union Jack...the British member of the Howling Commandos from Captain America, and a few others whose names I can't place right now. But then there's an even bigger problem...

* Yet another series set in the MMU that does not feature any recognizable characters for most of the season! I'm all for setting up the precursor to S.H.I.E.L.D., but I can't take another slower-than-spit paced series that needs 10 episodes under its belt before getting anywhere. And I know I'm not alone here.

So yeah, I think this series has potential, 
but they'll need to take a good look at what has and hasn't worked with AoS so far.
I wouldn't mind if this series came to Netflix between AoS's summer hiatus and 2015 though...

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