Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Movie Roundup...1/13/2014

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Starting off, 
the Non-Marvel, Non-Steve Reeves, Non-Xena Hercules film made an estimated $8.6 million this weekend.
Which puts it waaaaay off track to make back it's $70 million budget.
I've heard nothing about this film, 
but since the subject is so tricky to deal with considering what's been done with the character before
you'd expect there to be some hype and marketing.
That 70's movie featuring Marvel Studios' and the WB's best and brightest also made another $8.6 million.
That puts it at $118.5 million worldwide so far, well beyond the $40 million price tag.
 I'm glad the film's done well, but I'd have to monumentally bored to even watch this on Netflix.
Smaug snagged another $8 million, bringing the Domestic total thus far to more than $242 million.
Worldwide, The Hobbit: TDoS has made over $808 million.
If you do the math, that means the bulk of this film's profit, roughly $566 million, came from overseas.
Even more interesting is that while over $61 million of that Foreign total came from the U.K.,
which makes sense...being Tolkien's home turf,
the top foreign country (with over $74 million) was Germany.
I know, right?
Anchorman 2 made an additional $6.1 million,
and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire made another $4.6 million.
47 Ronin is still struggling. With another $1.5 million over the weekend, it's only at $87.5 million so far.
Something tells me that even if this film doesn't do much better in theaters, 
it will kick ass on Netflix and Redbox.
Speaking of struggling...
with only another $48,200 in the bank, The Invisible Woman has made all of $173,300.
When's The Thing coming out?

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