Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Here's X-Men:DoFP Cover #2

This cover bothers me.
* First thing's the scale. After seeing the SNTL2 with the worker in front of it, you get the idea that the robot is big. This image has nothing for perspective except the building in the background. Yes, there is a building there, and jeeps and helicopters, but they're so far away they don't help the cause, making this guy - to me at least - look almost as big as the Sentinel.
* Then there's the image of the character. Who is this guy? Oh, it's Havok. Good thing they put his name on there. I see where they were going with the lights over his shoulders, and once I knew who he was I got it, but there isn't enough of that visual effect to make it clear. All they needed to do was make them brighter and add some additional "swirls" below his chest.
* Finally, there's the clothes. Indiana Jones Jr. does not appear in this film. I wouldn't expect the classic black leotard and funky headpiece from the comics or the yellow and blue suit from the film, but something that would cry a little more "havok" and less "shame".

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