Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Too much DC Television...

In addition to the BvS:DoJ panel, DC had a panel for their current and upcoming television shows.
That was the good news. The bad news is that they (DC) decided to put various cast members from all four shows in a single panel. The result was a 62 minute event with too much going on.
* Stephen Amell, a great actor and doing a great job on Arrow, was not quite the best choice for emcee. It took like ten minutes before everyone took the stage and the moderator showed up. Now, it's possible Amell was stalling, but even so...they should consider giving him a co-emcee up front next time.
* Never...and I mean never...put that many people for that many different shows on the stage at one time. It forces the moderator to pick and choose who to talk to, and leaves everyone else just sitting there waiting their turn. It also limits the number of questions to ask, the number of topics to discuss and the lengths of the answers. Same goes for the poor audience members waiting in line to ask their questions. Maybe this was done because DC Television only had one panel over the whole con, which I could see happening because of budget and/or time constraints. If that was true, couldn't they have used at least some of the time and space from the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice panel? Next year, DC should consider combining all of their new projects in one panel, and all their returning series in another. Or maybe using more of the smaller halls over all four days? I don't think fans would mind.
I will say I'm glad that DC's television presence is expanding. I like Arrow and can't wait to at least try the other shows. Flash looks great, and I'm glad that they are in fact putting both shows in the same 'verse. As for Constantine, I'm not familiar with the comics or even that side of the DC universe, but the trailer's got me hooked for at least two episodes. Gotham leaves me undecided. I get the premise, but the commercials haven't grabbed me. I'll most likely watch the pilot, and just the pilot, unless there's something there that gains my interest.
Come on fall...get here already!

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