Friday, August 1, 2014

WTF Friday...8/1/2014

While SDCC is a haven for like-minded people to gather and meet comic creators and movie people...'s also a breeding ground for a-holes and f**kin' morons.
There was at least one known assault on a female cosplayer, as well as a hit and run during a zombie walk.
There's gonna be a lot of debate over the circumstances of these tragedies, and the investigations are ongoing, but my problem is that these things are happening in the first place. It frustrates the hell out of me. 
Having said that, there's the overwhelming show of support from Cosplayers all over the place for the victim's family. That means something. That means A LOT of something. Geeks, Nerds, Dorks and Fans alike stick together and have each other's backs. And while not much has developed so far regarding the hit and run, there sure as hell were a lot of witnesses.
There's never going to be a solution to this kind of crap, but unfortunately this kind of crap happens all over the world, and not just at havens for like-minded people to gather and meet comic creators and movie people.

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