Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hayley Atwell's gonna be in Avengers 2? Huh.

See, I liked how Peggy was portrayed in Captain America: The Winter Soldier - a woman who's lived a life, married, (had children ?), and is spending the last of her days at some sort of elderly care ward.
We'll get to see how she lived that life (and how HYDRA wormed its way through S.H.I.E.L.D.?) in the mini-series, but now it seems they're bringing the character back to the here-and-now in Avengers 2.
What I don't want to see is some sort of timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly...stuff. I will, however, accept one of the Infinity Gems (maybe Reality?) sending Cap back to an alternate...reality...where he either never fell into the ocean, or got to dance with Peggy at the bar in Captain America before going after HYDRA with Bucky and the Howling Commandos. (You know, I never could understand that scene with her in the Red Dress. 
I mean, I get why she went there in the Red Dress, but to just leave after telling Steve to meet Col Phillips at 0800 the next morning? 
 You like too.)
Anyway, I can see [someone] using one (or more) of those things to mess up the Avengers in A2, resulting in Atwell staying young in the present. Which would be cool - giving Steve someone to can relate to...sort of.
In Marvel Studios I Trust

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