Thursday, August 14, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy...the Spoiler FILLED review

It's been over a week, and I'm ready to talk about (what I remember from) the film.
If you haven't seen it yet, or have but hate spoilers anyway, 
do not hit the jump
The Good: 
1) It had a lot of humor. Some of it was predictable (and expected - 'cause they were in the trailers et. al.) but there was enough funny to keep me laughing throughout the movie.
2) Chris Pratt. He was who the audience related to throughout the thing and he carried it off very well.
The Stan Lee Cameo.
4) Speaking of cameos,
I'm proud to say I recognized Bereet, and a few of Collector's collections.
5) Including... kids, that wasn't Donald Duck.
6) Also - 
I don't know Knowhere from the books, but seeing it (and Gamora's description)...I got it. And there was that bit at Collector's place. Awesome!
7) One more cameo...
I didn't know Sean Gunn was the director's brother, but it was nice to see Kirk again.
If you told me this was the same guy from Pushing Daisies, I'd have laughed in your face.
I loved the fact that they had the Kree. It opens doors for future problems storylines. I see a possible Operation Galactic Storm in the far future.
The Bad:
The fact that they had to put up "Howard the Duck created by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik" immediately afterwards. No kids, THAT WASN'T DONALD DUCK!
I had a feeling that thing Star-Lord stole at the beginning was one of the Infinity Stones...but which one? Collector talked a good deal about what the stones are, where they came from and what they can do - when combined - but what exactly does that specific one do? Aside from blowing things (and the occasional living being) up that is. I mean, could we get an effin' name?
3) Speaking of Infinity stuff...
Was it just me, or did Thanos looked rushed?
Not plot-wise, I get why he was there. I'm talking visually. The CGI looked less than spectacular. His bit in Avengers was better. More realistic.
4) The complete lack of anything connecting this film to the established MMU...other than Thanos and the Collector. Granted - Collector's home had more proof, but you had to look for them. Considering all the visuals in Iron Man 2, I expected something more...obvious.
The WTF?:
Yeah, he was in it. No, I didn't catch it. I had to look it up later.
Two words: Missed. Opportunity.
The in Alyssa Milano...and I missed that one too.
All in all, GotG was cool but I liked Incredible Hulk more. Yeah, I'm in the minority. I don't care.

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