This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
That will happen over the summer after my purchase of the Blu-ray.
I've put my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once after the jump.
You've been warned...
Season 2 Episode 14: "Love in the Time of Hydra"
The Good:
The Good:
We get a liiitle more Coulson backstory...
...but it was all about Lola.
I liked seeing Talbot again too.

Agent 33.
...but it was all about Lola.
I liked seeing Talbot again too.
The Bad: ...of which there was more...
The only S.U.B.-S.H.I.E.L.D. character I recognized from within the show was that British woman who ran the Academy last season. It even took me a minute to realize the woman they were all referring to was Lucy Lawless' character - from September - and they didn't even show clips of Agent Hartley in the "Previously, on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." intro?
I hate this storyline. Comics are supposed to be about heroes and villains and evil plans that are to be thwarted. Shows based on comics have to have more to them, and I get that, but in a show like The Blacklist you have good characters doing bad things and bad characters doing good things. Viewers are left wondering what their agendas are and figuring out their motivations. In AoS, you have groups of characters within bigger groups of characters all with their own agendas and viewers are trying to figure out who's on which team. It's gotten to the point where we're gonna need a scorecard to keep track of what each character does in order to attempt to deduce whether or not they're on the team they should be on and if they're trying to "switch sides" and stuff.
I just want her to meet Hawkeye dammit!

I'm glad the writers remembered that Coulson and May are smart people and finally have them acknowledge Mack has not been on the up-and-up...too bad we have to wait three more months for them to actually do anything about it.
What's S.U.B.-S.H.I.E.L.D. doing with Hunter anyway?
If anything, they should let him go (if not kill him outright) and then recruit Simmons, since she obviously would rather play in their sandbox.
The WTF?:

I understand why Coulson took Daisy/Skye into the woods - to keep her hidden, and allow her to work on getting a handle on her powers. But leaving her alone in the woods? How is he supposed to deal with her powers like that? My first thought would be to go outside and test them...meaning making waves in the lake (which she may or may not have access to), or using them on the ground (which would trigger many an alarm if for no other reason than because there's seismic activity in an area that never had any before). Also - couldn't Daisy/Skye just use her powers to break out of there?
Agent 33.
What the F**K is this supposed to be about? Ward is alive, and he's working with 33 to what? Get back at the bad guys who brainwashed her in the first place? Why? To get back in with HYDRA? Does HYDRA even still exist? Do I give...a flying...F**K?
No. I don't.
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