Sunday, March 1, 2015

First Impressions - Gotham: "Red Hood"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 17: "Red Hood"
The Good:
Bruce learning a different fighting style. I get that Alfred's got his own idea of what to teach Bruce in terms of defense and protection, but Reg gave Bruce the idea of fighting to attack. The whole "if you've only got one shot, make it count" idea that Bruce gave Tim in the books. That was very well done.

As for Barbara teaching Selina how to use her beauty, I get the message but it felt a little creepy. Especially with Barbara drinking so much. I wondered why Ivy was left out of that conversation, since she uses her beauty to the fullest later on. Selina telling Barbara off was cool too.

Yay Butch!
I was worried for a while where they were going with him. I was happy to see him actually speak for one thing, and teaching Penguin how to use others to do his bidding was great too. 

There was a lot of teaching going on this episode!

When Fish showed everyone "option three" Mrs. Adorkification called her a badass, but I was left scratching my head. To me, badass would have been knocking down both guards and ripping "glasses-guy's" throat out Swayze-style. And is Hugo Strange ever going to show the f**k up?

The Bad:
Who the hell thought it was a good idea for Alfred to get stabbed? That's just nuts! 

The WTF?:

Look - I know the powers that be like to keep everything in the "developmental stage". No Joker. No Riddler. No Catwoman or Poison Ivy. There's Penguinnnesque-ness, and some Brucie goodness. And a whole lot of Gordon. Fine. Just stop teasing me. Giving some guy a red hood and having him laugh a lot? Just to then get shot? Stop it. Now.

Adorkification Moment:
"Maybe it's not our friends, but out enemies that define us." 
That's certainly true when talking about superheroes, although an argument could also be made for friends. But couldn't the same thing be said about villains?

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