Saturday, March 28, 2015

First Impressions - Flash: "Rogue Time"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 16: "Rogue Time"
The Good:
Captain Cold + Heatwave = AWESOME! 
I especially like the "Gentleman's Agreement" between Snart and Barry. It makes sense, and explains to non-Flash readers like me exactly how this relationship works. Speaking of relationships...

...thank God THAT'S over with.

The Bad:
Iris "just doesn't feel that way"?
I mean, I knew they were going to erase Barry's reveal, but Iris' feelings too?

What they did to Cisco.
We meet his family and learn he's the black sheep, but not why. Is his family into music more than science? Do they believe in Creationism? 
Do they blame him for the explosion?

Then there's his kidnapping and the threatening of his brother to make more guns. That sucks. I understand why they did it that way, but it sucks. Speaking of Cisco...

The WTF?:
Exactly how long did it take him to make not one, but three different guns...based on completely different emit completely different things...with no materials or scientific equipment in sight? At least none that I could see. Did Snart and Rory just have stuff in the basement beforehand or did they steal what Cisco needed? Which I can believe, but that would still take time. And the Gold Gun? How does that work? 

Getting back to Linda for a second, she broke it off with Barry because his heart "didn't ache for her"? Did hers ache for him? I never even got the impression she ever thought about Barry. At all. I mean she obviously liked him, and he clearly liked her - even though it's nowhere near as much as he likes Iris, which is to be expected - but Linda never struck me as "in love" with him as much as she felt...he should have...been with her...if that makes any sense.

Adorkification Moment:
Channel 52!

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