Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Movie Roundup...3/30/2015

Whaddaya mean the day's over Pepe?

Home, a movie I know nothing about, made $99.6 million worldwide over the weekend - with over $52 million of it coming from the states. It's got Steve Martin, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and Sheldon in there's that. I give it one more week to beat the break-even point of $135 million.

 Get Hard took second place, with $38.4 million worldwide. It only cost $40 million to make, so it shouldn't even need as long as Home to make a profit.
But I haven't the slightest idea why...

Cinderella cost $95 million to make. As of this weekend, it's made over $335.7 million worldwide.
Go Disney...go.

Then there's She's Beautiful When She's Angry - 
 - which is not about She-Hulk.
It's a documentary about the modern women's movement (actually about the women of the modern women's movement) from 1966-1971. Their website's here. It includes the trailer, a synopsis of the film, some info about the women portrayed in it and other stuff. Looks interesting,
but Jennifer did make an impact on the woman's movement...just a decade later.
Have a good week everyone!

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