Friday, March 20, 2015

WTF Friday...The Batgirl Edition...3/20/2015

See this?
This is what would have been the cover of Batgirl #41 (June, 2015). Actually, it was one of several planned variant covers to the book until it was pulled after serious internet backlash...
I get why people are reacting to this image.
It's damn scary. Just like Joker himself is damn scary. The fact that Joker and Barbara Gordon have history makes it even more scary...but that was before this latest and greatest version of the DC's "The New 52" (which I haven't read an issue of because my calm's been disturbed by DC's continual use of the reset button - another day's rant). 
Today's rant is about this image and it's subsequent pulling. 
Why was this image hated so much? Because it's Batgirl? Would public reaction have been the same if that was Harley? Vicki Vale? Leslie Thompkins? Catwoman? Ivy? Talia al Ghul? Black Canary?
I doubt it. 
Let's say it's Joker.
What if it was some other bat-baddie, like Mr. Freeze or Black Mask? Deathstroke's pretty damn scary, and let's not forget Ra's al Ghul. If any of those guys were standing there with Barbara, would this cover have caused such controversy?
So what is it? The gun? It's pointing at the ground.
The makeup on her face?
Didn't affect everyone loving Heath Ledger's performance.
Is it the look on Barbara's face?
I'll admit it - she's scared. If I was standing in that spot, I'd be pissing my pants. That look speaks to all of us. That image scares me..
...but it's not the first time that's happened.
So why the backlash?
Because what makes this image soooo damn scary is the fact that it is Barbara...and that there is history between these two characters.
It's about the history.
Funny how no one's complained about the actual plot or premise of the issue. I'm sure Previews mentioned it months ago.
But now I'm wondering - 
how many comics might not have the iconic covers they do...if the internet was around at the time.

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