Monday, February 23, 2015

First Impressions - Constantine: "Waiting for the Man"

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Episode 13: "Waiting for the Man"
The Good:
I don't care if Papa Midnite's a hero, a villain, both or neither. He's cool in every way.

The Bad:
First of all, way to not answer Zed's question. And two...he's the one behind the bruhaha or whatever they're called and the bounty on John's head? Okaaay, but if he's just going to call it off when John tells him that he's seeing this thing through to the end, why set up the bounty in the first place? Was that Manny's plan all along - to use whatever he could to "enlist" John in the first place? Well what the hell was John doing all season long but fighting demons and saving souls and stuff? 

Vesta? Sounds familiar but I can't place the name. Same thing with Delano St. 

The WTF?: Those three girls can't stop touching Vesta's hair can they? Have they never seen red hair before?

Adorkification Moment:
Jim Corrigan!

Am I sad that we didn't get to see him Spectre out? Tremendously. But he learns from Zed that he's going to some some someplace, and he gets to kiss her. So Points!

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