Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Top Ten: Movies my wife sat me down and made me watch...Part Two

Again with the Top Tens...

Mrs Adorkification and I have been married since October, 1995, but have been together since fall of 1989. In all that time, despite her not being the movie aficionado I am, she has requested...and at times threatened...that we sit together through some of the movies that meant a lot to her when she was young. Some I liked. Some I hated. Some I'd already seen...not that it mattered.

My criteria: these movies were available on VHS at the time she made me see we saw them. Movies that she dragged me to a theater to see for the first time don't count. Also, these are films we saw as a couple. Movies I sat through with our daughter as a family...
 If you're sick of lists like these, stop now or forever hold your peace.

Ladyhawke, while not my favorite Richard Donner film, wasn't that bad. Mrs. Adorkification warned me that the lamest part is the music - too much 1980's synthesizer. She was right, but the rest of the film held up. The fact that it had Roy, Ferris and some lady named Pfeiffer didn't hurt.
 And it had Alfred Molina...
...from Raiders!
Again with the musicals! This movie was a trade-off. I made her watch the Boris Karloff classic The Mummy and this was the payback. I'd love to say it was a bore, but thank heaven for little (French) girls. This wasn't too painful a film, but what makes this #4 is what happened afterwards.
I knew Louis Jordan - from both Octopussy...
...and Swamp Thing. Films I saw when I was younger.
But he's also in Return of the Swamp Thing, which I saw later.
In it, Jordan plays Arcane, the same character from the first film. He's back for more bad stuff, but this time around he has a pet bird...names Gigi.
I laughed so hard I nearly cried.
I'll say it - "On the Street Where You Live" is a great song. Rex Harrison talks through his songs. Audrey Hepburn's singing voice is dubbed. It's hokey. No question. I don't care. As musicals go,
 this one's cool. 
Back when my wife and I were dating, she had a saying: "Dry hair's for squids." I never understood it...until she showed me Trancers. The only sci-fi/action film on the list, Trancers is strictly '80's cheese and worth. every. bite.
I barely heard of this film when it came out, but Mrs. Adorkification asked me to get it when we had the dorm's VCR for the night. I thought it was gonna be another fantasy film like Ladyhawke. Not my first choice, but I thought "what the hell".
HOLY CRAP was I wrong.
Fencing, fighting, adventures, escapes...true love. You can't get any better than this. Peter Falk, Billy Crystal, Christopher Guest, ANDRE, that kid from The Wonder Years, and this guy...
When he got that dagger through the gut, I lost it. Really lost it. Like "shouted at the screen" lost it. 
I'm not sure if other couples use movies to define their relationships, but these help define ours. This one absolutely did. The highs, the lows, the laughs and the other stuff. We love this movie. I love this movie.
And the kissing parts aren't bad either.

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