Friday, August 24, 2012

WTF? Friday...8/24/2012

Okay. First up, how's about some GotG News?

There's talk that a director has been hired - James Gunn (no relation to Tim Gunn...of Project Runway and full of awesomeness).

This has yet to be confirmed, and I haven't seen a thing James has directed, but he did Slither...which starred Nathan Fillion, so that's something.

You know what - the whole DCnU is a gimmick. 

Not only that, it allows any and all involved to do whatever they want to make things even more gimmicky.

This is a gimmick.

Speaking of gimmicks...

Here's Marvel/Jeph loeb's idea of a gimmick.

Note to self - when someone who looks a lot like  Sabretooth has four claws and tells Logan that the short Canadian created the Weapon X program in the first place, it's time to call it a day.

But in Marvel's least they're sticking to the same damn universe.

Good News - There's been some BTS and extended footage from Avengers out and about the net.

Bad News - Marvel/Disney (you know what - I hate doing that, so from now on, I'm just going to blame Disney for everything bad and Marvel for everything good regarding the MMU.)

So like I was saying..

Bad News - Marvel/Disney pulled all said footage down, because leaking clips to promote the release of a Blu-ray/DVD isn't as effective as leaking clips to promote the release of the movie in the first place.

And the WTFN? award of the week goes to...

Joss Whedon - who said this week that in addition to directing Avengers 2, but to "consult on the entire Marvel world view."

So he's involved with the planned ABC series as well as all future MMU films.

Hey Joss - kill off Rocket Racoon, and bring Alpha Flight to the screen (with Nathan Fillion as Guardian) and I'll be happy.

One more thing...

I apologize for the curse word, but if you don't find this funny, you can't call yourself a dork.

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