First up - I actually like this song...mostly because it happened to me once. I was 17, and it was the summer before Freshman Year at college (where I met my wife). I was at the local mall in a music store buying a new Walkman (remember those?) with my dad. As we were leaving the store to meet up with Mom and my younger sister, the female clerk ran after us, shoved a piece of paper in my hand, and ran back into the store. At first I thought it was the receipt, but then I looked at it...
A name...
And a number...
So naturally I called, and we had a pretty fun summer, but she was a Junior and had one more year.
The rest is history.
Aaaanywaaayyy...back to the song -
I've seen both versions separately, but love that someone put them together in one video.
I'll have to learn how to do that.
For the record, I like the Trek version better for several reasons:
1) The Star Wars version includes the prequels...strike one right off the bat.
2) Worf's part during the chorus...hilarious.
3) The Picard dance routine.
No...I haven't forgotten or dropped my continuing Robin Appearance saga, but I've hit a snag. I recently learned through my sources... Comicvine , Comic Book Data Base and DCUGuide... that Tim made some appearances in Detective Comics prior to the ones I currently own, beginning with #633 which I only recently bought.
Now, Tim does appear in this issue, but he's an imaginary version created in the mind of someone who read Batman's mind. So Tim's there, but it's not really him if you follow me. I have no idea if this is also true for the four issues in question, but I'm going to need time to sort it out so I understand what I'm talking about.
In other words...STAY TUNED!!!
Marvel/Disney tried to make a deal with Fox to exchange rights for Galactus (for future use in the MMU) with those for Daredevil (which Fox currently owns until October). As of this writing, Fox turned it down, and the rights for Daredevil will return to Marvel/Disney. I'm fine with this. Daredevil can move seamlessly into the MMU thanks to his relationship w/ Black Widow (I'm not sure if Elektra is still owned by Fox at the moment, but since DD's relationship w/BW happened after Elektra "died" this could work), and there are many interstellar villains that can be used in future MMU films until Fox gives up all Marvel rights and life returns to normal.
And the weekly WTFN? award goes to...
Bill and Ted...and everyone involved with the franchise!!!
It seems everyone (including the stars) are reuniting to make film #3.
Even better news - this one will take place within existing franchise continuity, with Bill and Ted as they are now.
Sadly, no Rufus. Let's hope they don't even think of re-casting that role!
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