Friday, August 3, 2012

I called it...sorta


There's talk of ABC doing a "spin-off" series of sorts to Avengers.

I thought this would happen, since both Marvel and ABC are Disney properties.

My concern isn't that this could happen, but the format of the intended show.

Like I've said in the past, there's no way Marvel could work in a weekly series - pre-empted by sporting events, the occasional writer's strike, budget restrictions and such.

Plus, the nature of the Marvel Universe is inter-connectiveness. By the time the audience gets familiar with a character (say, Henry Pym) enough to understand the significance of his meeting another character (say, Jennifer Walters) the episode's 42 minutes are up.

Going with the soap-opera format allows the Marvel Universe to grow daily, five days a week, all year long. It also makes it possible for RDJ, Chris H., Chris E., Scarlett, Mark, Jeremy, Samuel or whomever show up as their respective schedules allow, rather than being forced into a May episode for sweeps.

If ABC does a show, in any format, it should focus on S.H.I.E.L.D., more specifically an agent that bounces between the series and the films <*cough...COULSON...cough*>...

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