Thursday, August 30, 2012

We're going to 80 cards now?

So, after going through my deck and describing my rationale for why I added what, Mrs. Adorkification tells me yesterday that she wants to go back to a Green/Blue combo deck...and add 20 more cards.

In the name of fair play, Adorkette and I have to add 20 more cards to our decks as well.

We have changed the rules regarding quantities of types though - we all no longer need the exact same number of Lands/Creatures/Spells in each of our decks - just as long as there are 80 cards in all.

However, being a math geek, I can't help but keep the ratios the same.

My biggest problem right now? Not enough Mountain cards!

I had six extras...but I need eight to keep the math right.

So until I can get to the local dealer...I mean retailer...I have to make do:

Iron Myr is a 1/1 that can act as a Mountain...for now...

My other stand-in is Seething Song.
It costs three to play, but adds five to my mana pool, so I gain two Mountains for a turn.

The Good: No lingering Mana Burn.
The Bad: No lingering Mountains.

I gotta get some more Mountains man...

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