Friday, November 8, 2013

WTF? Fridays...The Defenders Edition...11/8/2013

Well Marvel, you did it again.
The Defenders are coming... Netflix!
HOLY W...T...F...?
Let's get our heads around this:
The Good: First of all, we're talking 2015 before this even starts, so it gives everyone time to collect their thoughts and plan things out.
* We're getting four...yes FOUR...series, each focusing on a different character: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. My understanding is that the order may change, but I'm almost positive Daredevil will be first.
* Each series...thank you BBC/America...will be 13 episodes long. (Hopefully an hour in length and not a measly 30 minutes.)
* After the fourth series, everyone will be brought together in a mini-series called The Defenders
* This will be set withing the existing MMU.
The Bad: 2015 is when this all starts, and while I'm willing to bet that given the freedom of scheduling one series may start less than a month after the previous one (or have two series running simultaneously), it will be years between Daredevil and Defenders.
* You know...2015!
The WTF?: This has never been done before. Keep this up Marvel/Disney and you'll run out of new things to do.
Adorkification Moment: This is like Avengers on a smaller scale. And if you know Marvel comics like I do, that's kinda what The Defenders sort of is.
My one question?
How would Dr. Strange fit in?
In the books, The Defenders was founded by Strange, Hulk, Namor and Silver Surfer. (The last two being "off limits" thanks to FOX. But that's okay, because Marvel's found a way around that.)
My guess? Either Dr. Strange will appear in Avengers 2 or Ant-Man (both slated for a 2015 release) which will tie-in to the Neflix stuff, or he'll appear somewhere during the Phase Three films and tie-in to the Defenders mini-series by bringing everyone together all Nick Fury-like.
However you slice it, this is good. Very good. In the books, The Defenders are a loose-knit team, with a history of rotating membership, so it's a great way to bring "B- and C-list" characters into the MMU, giving fans like me what we've been looking for with AoS: new cool interpretations of long-loved characters.
As always...
In Marvel Studios I Trust

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