Sunday, November 17, 2013

Robin III Part 63: Batman #485 (October, 1992)

Black Mask’s gang goes down, and Tim is introduced to one of Bruce Wayne’s most loyal employees.
I have this issue.
Tim meets with Gordon on the rook of police headquarters and learns of Lucius Fox’s abduction. The commissioner also tells him that Fox is the second Wayne executive to go missing. Then Tim reveals Batman’s plan to have the Gotham PD to move in on Black Mask’s hideout at ten the following night – despite Gordon’s better judgment – to take the whole gang down.
Later that evening, using some new tech Harold developed that allows him to hear everything from a safe distance, Tim hears that both Black Mask and his first lieutenant Tattoo are getting wise to Bruce’s disguise and tells him so. However, Bruce has him stay put and continue to listen in case they make a move on Lucius. When Bruce returns, he takes over the stakeout and sends Tim home for sleep and school.
He comes back the next afternoon and resumes his post so Bruce can sleep. Tim wakes him up after a few short hours so he can go back undercover as one of Black Mask’s gang, but soon after he does, he’s made as a cop.
Tim’s not sure what to do, since things fall apart before 10 PM, but Bruce manages to get Fox out before he can make a move. While Bruce goes back in as Batman, Tim gets Lucius to the hospital and an ambulance for Circe (Black Mask’s lady/prisoner).
The raid goes on, and everyone is captured…except Black Mask.
Notes of Interest:
1) Tim learns who Lucius Fox is and meets him here for the first time.
2) He really likes using Harold’s technological creations.
WTF? Moment: This has nothing to do with Tim…but I just have to say it…Tattoo? Really?

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