Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy 50th Doctor!

This is big.
When Google gets involved, you know it's big.
If I was 13 years old, and hadn't heard about this guy until now, I would be all OVER this stuff.
But I have a problem...
...called an obsession with continuity.
See, I'm a collector by nature.
When I get hooked on anything, I go all in.
My past blogs about Malcolm Reynolds are an example of this.
I got the Firefly and Serenity DVDs (Blu-rays to come), and the comics.
I first read OHOTMU #4 when I bought it off the stands back in 1983.
I was twelve.
And what did that do to me?
So now there's this website...which features every Doctor, and every Companion from the show.
But there's a problem - 
according to this site, there are also games...
...and yes: missing episodes of the show.
All of which, by the way, is considered canon 
(except maybe the Peter Cushing stuff, and the Atkinson stuff, and the Grant stuff).
It would take me a lifetime and a fortune to collect it all,
which I most definitely would have,
and it still would never be complete.
Not just because of the missing episodes, oh no...
...because the very nature of the character involves wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.
The Doctor could alter/affect/retcon himself at any point in his history that the writers deem worthy.
I'm having a hard enough time deciding if I need to buy Marvel's MMU tie-in comics,
never mind 50 years of canonical history that could change on a dime.
So I have determined to keep my distance, which has saved me time and money with Marvel, DC, Valiant, et al.
I've seen the recent stuff...up to Series Seven...and can say that I enjoy The Doctor rather much.
But there will always be the voice in the back of me 'ead calling me...
...nay tempting me... run.

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