Friday, October 4, 2013

WTF? Fridays...10/4/2013

I really...really...want to love this show.
But after two episodes, I'm wondering when they're gonna get around to the "Marvel" part.
I understand that you need to set things up,

and having Jackson show up opens the door for every other actor,
I even gave you some ideas...

...and you have yet to deliver.
Well, Halloween's coming - 
so I thought I'd help you out even more with some possible characters to feature:
1) Blade
Now, here's a character you could do a lot with, but there's a problem...
once you introduce Blade, you acknowledge that vampires exist in the MMU.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you have to commit.
And I don't think you're ready.
2) Zombie
This guy has potential.
'Cause Zombies are a thing.
And he's the only one.
So why don't we put this one in the 'maybe' pile.
3) Man-Thing
A nice swampy Louisiana story could work,
but we still have a lousy taste in our mouths from the last time you tried him...
4) Ghost Rider
On the upside, you've got the rights back,
and his movies did do better than Man-Thing's...
...but not that much.
5) Son of Satan
Now we're talking.
He's an occultist, 
literally the son of Satan,
and he fights demons!
This could work...
...and he could even lead to a spin-off series:
But whatever you guys decide to do...

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