Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Robin III Part 56: Detective Comics #647 (Early-August, 1992)

Tim literally helps Batman solve a puzzle.
I have this issue.
Tim helps Bruce put an end to a hostage situation before meeting up at GPD headquarters to look over a message mailed to Gordon – a puzzle piece attached to a note saying “Catch me if you can!”
Taking the message back to the Cave, they eliminate some suspects…and confront Arthur Brown, also known as Cluemaster – the only suspect currently in Gotham. He tells the duo that he’s been clean since getting out of prison and as far as Brown is concerned, “Cluemaster” is dead.
Over two weeks later, Tim and Bruce meet back up with Gordon who just got the sixth piece of the puzzle, which is clearly a photograph of a castle. Tim tells them that there’s still six pieces missing, which means the final piece is would be coming on Labor Day Sunday. Tim also lets them know of two possible targets: a monkey castle at the zoo in Coventry and Castle Electronics HQ in Victoria Place.
Before leaving Gordon’s office, Tim learns that the Mayoral Candidate Krol’s campaign is making Gordon look bad, so solving this puzzle quickly would be a big help. 
Notes of Interest:
1) This is the first time Tim meets Cluemaster.
2) Tim mentioning that he knew “where Joker is” was a nice nod to the Robin II mini-series.
WTF? Moment: Time sure flies. Gordon gets the first puzzle piece, and in less than eight pages has six. At three days per piece, that’s fifteen days. Fifteen days in eight pages?

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