Sunday, October 6, 2013

So, Fox smartened up...

They've finally realized that they can't hold on to Marvel's X-Franchises forever.
And Warner Brothers is not giving up on DC no matter how badly they screw it up.
So FOX went and got an exclusive deal with Boom! Studios,
giving Fox first dibs on all of their future comic properties, which is good...

...since their last partnership was a success.
* It seems the deal also gives Boom! Studios "first-dollar gross on the movies made from their properties". I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I think it involves profit dollars. I call that fair.
* Whatever money does go to Boom! Studios gets "split 50-50 between the publisher and the adapted comic's creator(s)" I added the italics there. Holy crap. That puts Fox a big one-up over Disney/Marvel, who did not act so kindly to Avengers co-creator Jack Kirby. This is big. Good job Fox. Seriously.
* It allows Boom! Studios access to existing FOX film franchises! When I first heard that, I thought WAITAMINNIT! Marvel owns the X-People. Fox can't go pimping them out. But that's not what they mean. What they mean is that such franchises like Predator, Alien, and Die Hard - which Fox does own apparently - are available for more (and in one case some) comic expansion through Boom! Studios.
Any Die Hard comics that come out are going right into my longboxes. So bravo Fox, you done good.

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