Wednesday, October 16, 2013

HOLY S.H.I.E.L.D.!!!

It seems they're doing it again... giving Hayley Atwell's Agent Carter her own series.
I'm on the fence about this.
The Good: Agent Carter kicked ass. She was headed in the right direction, and by having another Marvel series that's set before AoS could fill in a LOT of blanks, like:
* What happened to the Howlin' Commandos?
* Does Montgomery Falsworth become the first Union Jack?
* How does Fury fit in?
* Was there a Freedom Five? 
* Was there an Invaders?
The Bad: Having another Marvel series that's set before AoS could pigeonhole the entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s limiting both series. But this could be avoided so long as the creative teams of both series communicate with each other. Joss is only one man, and he can't be everywhere at once.
* Plus, while I liked CSI, CSI:Miami and CSI:NY, they were too similar. If Marvel can keep the timeline straight...and no funny episodes where Coulson meets Dum Dum Dugan...we'll be just fine.

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