Where to begin...how about the character?
I remember when he first showed up in the books, and I didn't like him for two reasons: he seemed difficult to write, and was essentially redundant.
Apocalypse has been around (apparently) since Ancient Egypt, so he predates Namor as Earth-616's first Mutant by millennia. He can alter his height, weight, and physical form to whatever he wants. When you add the alien tech he has at his disposal (and I guess time travel too?), he's basically unstoppable...
...kinda like another well-known character that's hard to write.
Then there's his philosophy on humanity and mutants: Darwinism. The strong survive and thrive by preying upon and destroying the weak. In other words, Evolution...
...kinda like another Mutant who believes that it's Homo-Superior's time to rule.
Now I'll admit - Appy's take is way more extreme than Maggie's, but they're on the same path, making Appy:
a bitch to write,

and essentially redundant.
Having said that, the visual of the character in the trailer looks awesome, but it sucks that the trailer is only available on YouTube through a reversed image captured on a cell.
Then there's the whole 'wibbly-wobbly' plot of the film.
My understanding is that this film takes place in the 1980's (awesome!), within the same timeline as X-Men: Days of Future Past's 1960's stuff (okay, I guess).
This would mean that Wolverine is most likely enduring the Weapon X experiments after getting pulled out of the water by Mystique's 'Stryker-guise' back in 1963-ish. But we're not going to see any of that, because Logan doesn't appear in this film at all...
...which doesn't matter anyway, because in DoFP, we see that Logan eventually does get to Xavier's mansion and sees all the living mutants (like Janssen's Jean Grey, Marsden's Cyclops, Berry's Storm, and Grammer's Beast) that died in the alternate timeline (uh-Huh...).
In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if we learn that Apocalypse was created as a result of all their f**king around with the space-time continuum in the first place. 'Cause messing with the space-time continuum is bad...
...right Scott? Oh - sorry...
...right Marty?
And finally - the cast.
I have no problem with the casting of any of the characters. Who they got, to play who their playing, is fine with me...
...yes, including her. I'm just worried about the who's who of the cast.
They've added Nightcrawler (my favorite mutant by far) Gambit, Angel and Jubilee, kept Quicksilver and Havok, and got rid of Colossus? (Maybe 'cause he's over in Deadpool?) In any case, there's a lot of people in there,
so I'm sure there'll be a Psylocke Cut of this film released in time for Christmas 2016.
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