Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday Movie Roundup...7/6/2015

Greetings Pepe!

After 24 days in theaters, Jurassic World has made $1.385 billion worldwide, with $30.9 million of that coming from the States. While that comes as a surprise to no one, you still can't make me want to see it.

Inside Out, which I've heard nothing about, came in second with $30.1 million in the U.S. and $363.4 million worldwide...and may work it's way into my Netflix queue at some point. Inside Out is Pixar's 15th film, and is currently in 13th place worldwide - beating out A Bug's Life ($363.4 million) and Toy Story ($362 million).
That's right Mark - A Bug's Life made more than Toy Story. I didn't believe it either. 
Want to know Pixar's #1 film?
With $1.063 billion worldwide.

Terminator: Typo Genisys has made over $129.6 million worldwide so far, which - believe it or not - is more that the original classic in its entire run ($78.4 million). 
Which is a damn shame in its own right,
but of all the "nostalgic/remake/reboot/run-them-into-the-ground" type franchises, this particular one makes me sad. I'm tired of all the Connors. I'll give them points for staying within the existing universe as opposed to starting over, but couldn't they have had Arnie go after a different family altogether? Like...I dunno...the Reese's? 
Y'know what I'm saying Scott?
Why bring Sarah and John out of the shed one more freakin' time when they could have brought fresh characters into the mix? 
At least that would interest me.

Oh, yeah - 
Avengers: Age of Ultron is still struggling to get out of the $1.3 billion sandtrap. It's at $1.383 billion, and I truly believe it will eat dinosaur dust for the rest of the summer. But on a positive note:
Ant-Man (out in 11 days) will be Paul Rudd's biggest box office success.
Right now, his highest grossing film is Monsters Vs. Aliens ($381.5 million worldwide). His highest grossing project where he actually appears is Knocked Up ($219.2 million). I've said before that this film should make between $370 and $450 million worldwide by the end of it's run, and if I'm right Ant-Man will at least be in his top 3.
Which would be awesome.
Have a good week everyone!

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