Tuesday, January 27, 2015

First Impressions - Arrow: 'Left Behind'

This is by no means a deeply intense dissection of the episode.
It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers after the jump.
You've been warned...

Season 3 Episode 10: 'Left Behind'
The Good:
Katie Cassidy as Black Canary.
We finally get to see her in action. I'm sure she'll lose some battles along the way, but Ollie's "death" had to be the catalyst that brought her outside. I can't wait to see Roy and Diggle's reactions when they find out. 

The Bad:
What the hell shoes were she wearing? They looked painful, even to me. They weren't some "I'm a badass that you should listen to when I speak" pair of shoes. They were "I'm a badass, but don't follow me so quickly 'cause if I need to stop or turn around I'll break my ankle" shoes. Were they to make her taller? Amanda Waller doesn't need to be tall. She owns the room she's in, and wouldn't wear anything that could tip her over if you push too hard. Ever.

* Lights, people. You turn them on when bad guys infiltrate you're hideout, and you leave them on when you decide to quit the team. Speaking of...

The WTF?:
Why is she quitting?
Team Arrow wasn't playing a game. She knew this from the start. She was listening and watching while baddies were shooting at Ollie, Diggle, Ray, hell - even Barry and Lyla. I can't believe she's only losing it now.
She should take some time to come to grips with Ollie's "death", and deciding not to help Ray was the right thing to do. But quit the team? For good?

Exactly how did Roy get to Diggle? I thought he was pinned down.

You'd have to be a complete moron to think Ollie was dead. Like Uncle BenGwen Stacy, Bucky dead dead. What makes me scratch my head is the how. Maseo finding Ollie's body? Okay. Maseo dragging him to someone else who has the skills to revive him? Fine. Having that person be Tatsu? WTF? Where's their son..?

Adorkification Moment:
I guess there are several movies out there that can give people the idea that putting on some armor and taking down bad guys is a good thing. Can this be considered a crossover?

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