Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today's the day...

...our new washing machine arrives!
This is news. Really. It's been roughly six months living without one, so I've been taking our stuff to the local laundromat on every possible day off. Never mind the costs of the machines (and gas), but the "local" place is roughly 25 minutes away - so there's significant time lost too. (Did I mention I've had to go on my days off?) 
We got a good deal because I bought our "high efficiency, tier three energy-saver" appliance during their July 4th sale (when most appliances are marked down...which I didn't know at the time, but will remember from now on). The problem? Because of the holiday, the regularly scheduled delivery day (Tuesday) was shifted to Thursday for last week. Okay, fine. They signed me up, and I was fully prepared to stay at home on a gorgeous Thursday with Adorkette for "old removal/new installation" day.
But when 4:00 rolled around without any sign of anything, I called to inquire. Not only did they tell me that someone from my "household" call them to change the date (which was bulls#!t), they also told me that it was changed to Tuesday July 15th. A day when I'm at work and can't get home until the afternoon.
So, Adorkette now knows what to do and what to look for, and Mrs. Adorkification will be around to sign the paperwork. Is it a pain? Absolutely. Is it worth not having to go out to do laundry every four days? You're goddamn RIGHT it is.
I just wanted to see it happen. Not only to witness the end of a day-long errand, but also to witness the first major appliance upgrade put in our house in the last five years.
That is...unless someone from our "household" changes the date again...bastards.

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